Home » Health » “Bastia su dit cap”, a new association to help hospital patients

“Bastia su dit cap”, a new association to help hospital patients

The goal Hospital often the means and above all the materials are lacking to facilitate the lives of hospitalized people. Faced with this observation, several health professionals are mobilizing Bastia and created a new association “Bastia on dit Cap”. “We are in daily contact with the patients of the Bastia hospital. We evaluate them, rehabilitate them, support them in their illness and disability and, if necessary, help them adapt to their new life. To achieve this, we must regularly renew the equipment (wheelchairs, technical aids, rehabilitation equipment, etc.), and that it is in good working order. We have therefore decided to create Bastia, On dit Cap?, in order to raise funds which we will use to purchase the necessary equipment for patients “, explained Marjorie Giambernardi, president of the association.

With them, several health professionals are at the origin of this new associative structure. To raise funds, an early evening is organized at the Bastia theater on Saturday 21 January. A gala and an association sponsored by Éric Fraticelli.

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