Home » Sport » Bassa Romagna, initiative aimed at guaranteeing the well-being of new mothers: a calendar of free meetings has been decided

Bassa Romagna, initiative aimed at guaranteeing the well-being of new mothers: a calendar of free meetings has been decided

parents with child (pexels) – Romagnawebtv.it

Free meetings for new mothers and expectant mothers: a series of meetings essential for health will start soon.

A new cycle of free activities starts in Lower Romagnaaimed at families. It is called ‘well-being a woman’ and is managed by the family center of the Union of Lower Romagna Municipalities.

This is an opportunity aimed in particular at young mothersbut not only. But how is the cycle of events structured? And what are the costs and obligations?

Well, as he explains Ravenna Todayall meetings are free; however, if the walks and training sessions are free to enter, reservations are required for the yoga sessions. In fact, you are asked to write to [email protected] or call the numbers of the Family Center, 366 6156306 or 0545 299397 respectively.

But what will these ‘well-being women’ activities do? The subjects they are always current, because they are expected to reflect on motherhood and the care of the newborn, trying to support mothers in a certainly important, but in some cases also difficult moment in their lives.

The ‘well-being’ programs: the activities of the center for families

In practice there will be three different forms of activity: walks for mothers who have just given birth and pregnant mothers; yoga, again aimed at expectant mothers and two training conferences focused on sexual well-being.

In the case of walks they are exactly what the term suggests: a peaceful trekking through the streets of the cities of Romagna, chatting and discussing the topics of motherhood. They will take place one Tuesday a month, at 10 am; November 5th in Alfonsine, December 3rd in Bagnacavallo, January 14th in Bagnara, February 4th in Cotignola, March 4th in Conselice, April 8th in Cotignola, May 6th in Massa, June 10th in Sant’Agata .

Pregnancy (pexels) – Romagnawebtv.it

‘Well-being’ meetings: initiatives for new mothers and expectant mothers

However, it is a very different matter for pregnancy yoga meetings: three activities are in fact scheduled, all in the morning hours, respectively on 4, 8 and 11 November from 10 to 11.30. The headquarters is as always family center (viale Europa, 128) in Lugo.

The yoga meetings will be led by the teacher Claudia Mazzolani, specialized in pre- and post-natal yoga. You are asked to bring a suitable mat and comfortable clothing with you. Finally there are the two training meetings, respectively on 12 November and 11 March which will be organized by the midwife of the ASL consultancy of Romagna Serena Pederzini.

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