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Basketball, Euroleague: Milan – 16 in Vitoria. It’s the 7th knockout in a row

Olimpia goes immediately down in the Basque Country, -15 in the first quarter, and never manages to come back. Davies’ good performance is useless. Injury for Luwawu-Cabarrot

It continues to rain in Milan. Another defeat, another injury. The seventh stoppage in a row arrives in Vitoria, in the Basque Country, where Olimpia does not shake and continues its series of matches without an attack, with insufficient percentages and therefore the last place in the standings continues to reflect the mirror of the crisis. Davies’ good performance in double point-rebound double-pointing was useless.

And in the second quarter Luwawu-Cabarrot also loses who, falling violently to the ground, hits his head getting a lump at the level of his right temple which induces the doctors to keep him on the bench. This is how the Milanese infirmary expands. And on the pitch the gap with Vitoria soon widens, who immediately take over thanks to three triple-spun by Hommes, ex Cremona. Milan stammers shots, has no play due to Mitrou-Long’s blind direction and doesn’t see the ring, so the Spanish team can push +15 (24-9) on the first siren without forcing. A triple from Hall, imitated by Melli gives life to Messina’s attack but it’s just a flash in the pan. Vitoria goes in waves, making a lot of mistakes from below, but Olimpia never manages to get close to a couple of possessions. Melli gets within 8 but Diez’s three points make it 38-27 at the break which sees Milan blocked 33% from 2 points and 2/11 from 3 with Mitrou-Long a ghost of himself: 0/7.

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At the start of the second half, Davies scores 5 points with a triple, Milan reaches -5 but Vitoria responds with interest: Thompson+Howard make it 9-2. Then comes Henry who does a number to Doc J by pushing the +16 (53-37). Davies returns to mend with a couple of good baskets but at -8 he gets a free technical foul: 54-45 in the 30th minute. Last quarter in which Milan must shoot everything inside but the barrel is empty and there is little to scrape. In fact, Vitoria can go on velvet with the triples by Thompson and Henry who make it 68-51 and sanction the technical knockout. For the Italian champion team another empty lap, another night to forget.
Victory: Thompson 15, Men 11
Milan: Davies 23, Pavilion 14

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