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Basketball, Belinelli MVP of the championship. Brienza coach of the yr

AND Marco Belinelli the MVP of the common season of the championship of sSerie A of UnipolSai basketball. The 38-year-old guard The facility of Bologna, NBA champion with the San Antonio Spurs in 2014, was the participant most voted for by journalists, captains of the 16 top-flight golf equipment and followers. With 14.7% of the votes, Belinelli preceded Rayon Tucker (Venice, 11.4%) and Toko Shengelia (Virtus Bologna, 10.3%). “It is actually one thing stunning, till now I’ve by no means been MVP of the Italian championship and this fills me with happiness – stated Belinelli -. But it surely’s not solely because of me however to the entire crew, my teammates, the coach and the technical workers, the medical workers, the physiotherapists, the athletic trainers who’re actually tremendous and clearly the membership which has an essential position. I thank everybody who voted for me, however now we now have one thing way more essential to win on the pitch as a membership and we’ll attempt to do it.”

The opposite awards, Brienza coach of the yr

Nicola Brienza, who led the newly promoted Pistoia to the F8 Italian Cup and to the play-offs from sixth within the standings, was named coach of the yr. TO Nico Mannion (Varese) received the perfect Italian of the yr award forward of Belinelli and Davide Denegri (Cremona). Mohamed Faye (Reggio Emilia) was voted greatest younger particular person, C.J. Massinburg (Brescia) received each the perfect sixth man award and probably the most improved participant award. TO John Petrucelli (Brescia) the prize for greatest defender, prizes additionally for Charlie Moore (Pistoia, greatest striker), Silvia Marziali (referee) e Massimo Capecchi (Pistoia, greatest supervisor).

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– 2024-06-01 03:48:11

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