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Basket / National 2. The Canonniers remain candidates for the climb

Out of service for two seasons now, pandemic obliges, the elevator to the Nationale 1 could be activated exceptionally this summer. Failing to take the large sports door, the Gunners indeed try to go through the small administrative window to access the upper floor. The Metz club has already declared its candidacy to the Federation (FFBB) for a wild card, but it is not the only one at the time. Six other houses, and not the least (Hyères, Berck, Calais, Cergy, Lons-le-Saunier and Lyon SO), are also eyeing a ticket for the third French level.

For now, a place is likely to become available. It would be the consequence of bringing together the two Alsatian Pro B residents, Gries-Oberhoffen and Souffelweyersheim, which would automatically free up a slot on the lower floor. The rumor also runs to Vanves, a club of N1 which could ask to evolve in N2 next season, for financial questions, but nothing is recorded to date.

But back to our climbs. A declared candidate, Metz is preparing a file to justify his request. This must be submitted before June for a response, at the latest, in mid-July. It will then be up to the authorities to decide knowing that the Moselle club has the advantage of filling in a few boxes. On the financial side, for example: “Our results were positive last season and we are committed to staying in the positive for the next,” explains President Messin. Ditto for territorial continuity, following the withdrawal of an Alsatian club. Geographically, Metz is the closest. Where the shoe pinches, however, is in the field of the famous ranking. If the decision is taken on the only classifications of the last three seasons in N2, the Gunners will not have the favors of the jury …

“We have a small chance, we must try it”

“We had a great team this year, we developed our training center in Frescaty and the arrival of Florent Piétrus, a player full of humility with a strong ambition, makes us grow quite quickly”, continues Denis Robert, president of the Gunners entity. “With this casting, our young people and these infrastructures, we say to ourselves that we have a small chance. We must try it. “

Metz sees further and speaks today of a “global project”. The creation of a training center and the club’s candidacy to join the French Elite U18 championship under the direction of Philippe Ory are fully in line with this logic.

Rise or not, the major maneuvers are in any case launched around the workforce. The leaders took the party to strengthen it whatever the outcome of the candidacy. Logic: “If we do not play in N1, the group will have to be able to rise and if we play there, it will have to be able to maintain itself”, notes Bruno Blin. A first piece of the puzzle has already been posed: the American A’uston Calhoun has just extended his lease in Moselle.

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