ROMA – In Basilicata the centre-left confirms the exclusion of Azione e Carlo Calenda he goes with the center-right. As Italia viva had already done. Prelude to a free-handed policy on alliances which, “if Giuseppe Conte insists with vetoes on us”, could arise again in Piedmont: “I wouldn’t want it, I don’t have any retaliation”, warns the former Minister of Development, “but certainly if the Democratic Party continues to bow to the diktats of the M5S, perhaps agreeing to nominate one of their own, we won’t be there.” Convinced that “a coalition that moves in this way cannot govern even a condominium”.
But the choice to support the centre-right governor is not painless for Action and creates a rift in one of the most influential political families in the region, the Pittellas. Because if Marcello Pittella he embraces the decision of Calenda, his brother Gianniformer MEP of the Democratic Party and vice-president of the EU Parliament and now mayor of the municipality of Lauria, makes his dissent emerge: “In truth I thought my thoughts were clear and that is that I don’t recognize myself in the choice of Action in Basilicata!”, he writes on Facebook: An exit destined to have consequences.
At the end of a week of passion, the centrists have nevertheless decided: in Lucania they will support the outgoing Forza Italia candidate Vito Bardiwith which a “programmatic agreement” was reached after having verified the impossibility of fielding a third name. Perhaps converging on Angelo Chiorazzothe ras of the white coops who today is still in the running with his civic movement, although insistent rumors say he is approaching the president of the province of Matera, Piero Marresesupported by the Pd-M5S-Avs trident with the addition of +Europa.
In Basilicata vote now
by Michele Serra

A scheme with variable geometries, that of the progressive coalition, which ended up triggering the usual brawl between Calenda and Conte, who are increasingly at loggerheads. Fueled, also, by the shock video with which Marcello Pittella, plenipotentiary of Action in Basilicata, announced his expulsion from the centre-left and the choice to pass bag and baggage with his adversaries: “There is really an action that hurts, let die. Do you know when they deported the Jews and had to take them to the gas chambers? Here, for them I am someone who must die,” says the former governor in the two-minute recording sent to him. Unacceptable comparison. Which immediately unleashes a storm: “There is a limit to everything, enough is enough”, attacks the Grillino group leader in the Senate Stefano Patuanelli. Forcing the leader who left the Dems to cover his head with ashes: “Days of stress and emotional tension have generated an unjustified and totally unwanted hyperbole in a private audio. Words that I used to represent the way in which, after having governed the Region for the center-left with dignity and honor, we were treated. I am deeply sorry for what happened and I apologize to anyone who may have felt offended.”
Ma Giuseppe Conte he has no desire to let it go. And in the evening she goes further: “Pittella, who is from a family that has governed for 40 years, in that audio she never talks about projects. You talk about packets of votes being moved and voters being treated like commodities.” To then provoke: “Dear Calenda, wasn’t this the politics that horrified you?”. The Action leader’s response was immediate: “The politics that horrifies me are still the same as Giuseppe: the money thrown into the superbonus, the Proputinism, the promise of subsidies. But I recognize that you have tamed the Democratic Party, forcing it to your vetoes.”
One-eyed blows that bring happiness to the centre-right, who were in difficulty until a month ago and are now certain of winning. “In Basilicata we made the broad field”, exalts the FI group leader in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri. Even if, on closer inspection, the turn of IV and Action is also causing a lot of discontent in Bardi’s coalition, which founded the electoral campaign five years ago precisely on Pittella’s “mismanagement”, especially of healthcare, with which for the first time he took the region away from the progressives.
Tridico: “Too many bullies in the center who don’t want the Pd-5S pact”
by Antonio Fraschilla

The fact is that while over there we rejoice, over here we take an inventory of the rubble. And, to pick up the pieces, we try to shift the blame onto the “traitors” of the alliance. “It wasn’t an edifying show,” comments the dem from the left Gianni Cuperlo. “I was surprised to see Renzi and Calenda supporting Bardi, especially Carlo. If you choose a field that must be your field.” However, Catholics and reformists have a different idea, a sign of a boiling Democratic Party. “Schlein must first deal with Conte, which is not easy for someone who finds it difficult to choose between Biden and Trump,” he grimaces Rosy Bindi in Lilli Gruber’s TV lounge. “There is only one problem: our electorate, which is centre-left. Then, afterwards, he should also speak to Calenda.” Why, warn Piero Fassino, “a broad coalition cannot be built if everyone claims to impose conditions. This is what happened in Basilicata, where the Democratic Party worked to unite all forces, while others, in particular the M5S, constantly imposed vetoes”, explains the last secretary of the DS. “Now, if you veto you narrow the field, and if you narrow it you reduce your chances of victory by pushing those you exclude towards other shores”. These are the two opposing readings that agitate the main opposition party. With which, after the European Championships, Elly Schlein will be called to do the math.
#Basilicata #Calenda #Action #splits #vicepresident #European #Parliament #Gianni #Pittella #dissociates #brother
– 2024-04-09 19:14:52