Home » today » Business » Basic inheritance: 60,000 euros given away by the state – what do the young people think about that? “It’s not a lot of money”

Basic inheritance: 60,000 euros given away by the state – what do the young people think about that? “It’s not a lot of money”

Imagine waking up on your 18th birthday and suddenly 60,000 euros landed in your account. A gift from the state to start your adult life. Sounds like a dream? If the Jusos, the SPD’s youth organization, have their way, this could soon become a reality. But what lies behind this basic heritage and how do people think about it?

+++ Child benefit from 18: Are parents no longer entitled to it? +++

The Jusos are calling for a radical redistribution from top to bottom. A government payment of 60,000 euros for everyone coming of age with their main residence in Germany, regardless of their residence status. This payment should be declared as “basic inheritance”. Our editorial team asked around in Essen’s city center what young people would do with the 60,000 euros – or what they would have done with it if they had received such a sum at the age of 18.

Basic inheritance: 60,000 euros given away by the state – a crazy idea?

The answers were varied, but enthusiasm for the basic heritage proposal was clearly palpable. The idea of ​​getting a financial start at 18 was received more than positively by everyone.

“Not much money”

Azad (15) is considering investing the money to get more out of it: “Although it’s not a lot of money these days, but I could do something with it.” Sofyan (16), on the other hand, would use the basic inheritance to pay for his driver’s license and put the rest aside: “18 is still a young age, you still have a lot to do,” says Sofyan.

Driving license, car or going on vacation?

“Well I don’t know, I would think about it first. That’s a lot of money, you can do a lot with it,” ponders Nebil (20) at first. Ultimately, he comes to the decision that he would definitely not spend the basic inheritance directly. Diana (20) is again sure: “The first thing I would definitely do is fly on vacation.” Johannes (24) agrees with the previous speaker and would immediately fly on vacation.

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And later maybe a car or even a house abroad? Emily (18) at least feels the same way about the car, as she has just gotten her driving license: “But I would save the majority of it so that I have something saved for later.” Madeleine (18) would use part of the 60,000 euros for an apartment or use your studies. Buying a property would have been Tugay’s (26) idea.

The parents don’t miss out either

Josie (19) and Cleo (19), on the other hand, would think about their loved ones apart from the driver’s license and a car: “I would probably give some to my parents and my sister,” says Josie. Cleo adds: “In the end I would also think about my parents.” So the ideas are varied, from investments to holiday dreams.

How should the basic inheritance be financed?

But back to the Jusos and their proposal. This basic inheritance should be financed through an inheritance tax reform. A bold step that ranges from a tax allowance of up to one million euros and a progressive tax rate of 10 to 90 percent.

More on the subject:

The debate over this idea is sure to be heated. Will the state actually spend so much money to give young people a financial advantage? How is the inheritance tax reform being received? Questions upon questions, but one thing is certain: the idea of ​​a basic inheritance is a topic of conversation and allows the young generation’s fantasies to blossom.

2023-11-24 15:22:18
#Basic #inheritance #euros #state #young #people #lot #money

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