After more than five years of a loan system, the basic grant is returning to higher education. The Senate on Tuesday approved a bill that ensures this. As a result, some 435,000 students from colleges and universities can again receive at least 100 euros per month from September.
The money is a gift, unless they do not complete their studies within ten years: then they have to pay back the entire amount.
The loan system was introduced in 2015. People who started a study between 2015 and 2023 had to pay the costs in full themselves or take out a loan. There was a lot of criticism of the loan system, because the students were left with high debts. The loan system will be exchanged for the basic grant in September.
“For students, the return of the basic grant for students in higher professional education and university means a significant improvement in their financial position,” said Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education, Culture and Science) in a press release. “A fixed amount per month offers perspective and a good basis.”
The government allocates 1 billion euros annually for the basic grant.
Basisbeurs: wat houdt het in?
De basisbeurs gaat gelden voor studenten van hogescholen en universiteiten die in het studiejaar 2023/2024 voor het eerst gaan studeren. Ook studenten die nog recht hebben op studiefinanciering in de vorm van een prestatiebeurs komen in aanmerking. Uitwonende studenten krijgen 274,90 euro per maand, thuiswonende studenten 110,30 euro.
More students can apply for a supplementary grant
The reintroduction of the basic grant is not the only thing that has changed; the rules for a supplementary grant are being relaxed. This amount on top of the basic grant is intended for students with parents on a low or middle income. The income limit for the supplementary grant will be extended to at least EUR 70,000.
At the beginning of this year, DUO automatically checked the supplementary grant for students who are entitled to it. As a result, the percentage of students applying for a supplementary grant has risen from 69 percent to 93 percent. From September, the maximum supplementary grant is 416 euros per month.
In addition, the repayment regime for MBO students will be different. From September, MBO students can choose whether they want to pay off their student debt in 15 or 35 years.
In the coming academic year, all students living away from home, including MBO students, will receive an extra 164.30 euros per month due to the sharply increased costs of groceries and energy, for example. The temporary purchasing power measure for students will cost the government a one-off sum of 500 million euros.
The government is also introducing a financial allowance for students who have studied under the student loan system for one or more years.
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2023-06-06 12:54:09
#Basic #grant #students #returns #broad #support #Chamber #Politics