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Basic foods to maintain a healthy diet in summer


The ancient Roman legions used to fall ill and die during long periods away from home. Not only because of the battles they waged, but also as a result of the contamination of the rivers near the camps, from which they drank and bathed to endure the heat. In the absence of doctors and medicines of the time, and to withstand the high temperatures, they began to take a drink called posca, which contained water and vinegar or wine poor quality that killed bacteria and pathogens found in the water and was also refreshing. The soldiers did not understand why they felt better and did not fall ill when they drank that drink, so they decided to establish posca as official army drink and the Roman Empire to stay healthy and cool especially in times of heat such as summer.

Nowadays it is also sought in times of high heat to take fresh and healthy foods such as gazpachos, cold soups or pickles that also contain water and vinegar, like that drink of the Romans. The body, at this time of year, does not need to work as hard to maintain body temperature and consume fewer calories than in winter.

Eating in summer should not mean losing good habits. Although leisure and rest make us relax and skip the odd meal, we must maintain the habit of four meals a day, ingest fluids to stay hydrated and consume the nutrients necessary for the body to function properly, that is, protein, carbohydrates and fats, as well as vitamins and mineral salts.

We must increase the consumption of nuts, fruits and vegetables, which are lighter and fresher foods, and avoid those that are heavy to digest. The former provide not only water to keep us hydrated, but also fiber, sugar, vitamins and minerals. The doctor Marta Crespo Yanguas, nutritionist and dietician of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, recommends paying special attention to people who have problems with food intake, such as children and the elderly. “They can be given sugar-free gelatin or make it homemade with pieces of fruit, juice, water and gelling agent ”.

“We can consume yoghurts or fresh cheese on a regular basis without added sugars. The sugar contribution, the better it comes from fresh fruit”

It is also important to provide proteins to our body to take lean poultry, cold legumes, and dairy products, without abusing those with more fat such as butter or ice cream. Dr. Crespo advises “to consume regularly Yogurt or fresh cheese with no added sugar. The contribution of sugar, better that it comes from fresh fruit ”.

Drinks rich in sugars such as industrial fruit juices and sugary sodas, in addition to those that contain alcohol, as these drinks do not quench thirst and all they do is increase calories and cause weight gain. We must also avoid or consume food moderately ultra-processed, sausages and fried. And do not forget at this time of year that seafood and fish, especially blue, such as tuna or sardines, contain a high percentage of Omega 3 fatty acids and are always healthier than red meat.

Taking care of your diet in summer is easy: water for hydrated keepers and take advantage of fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare delicious and healthy meals.

* El Confidencial, in collaboration with Quirónsalud, presents a series of articles with practical information, advice and recommendations for practicing sports that improve our health and well-being. If you have any questions about this topic or want more information, you can contact the Jiménez Díaz Foundation.

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