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Bashar Rahal’s boyfriend admitted: I have 12 plastic surgeries on my nose – Gossip

  • February 18, 2022

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  • The big premiere of the film “Return 2” took place last night in Sofia. Actress Raina Karayaneva shares her excitement about the film during a visit to Zeineb Madzhurova’s column in front of BTV.

    “Yesterday everything was very nice! Niki and Bashar went from hall to hall to watch people’s reactions. They are like little children on an exam.” she says.

    He shared that the production has a very large cast, and that many beautiful ladies take part in the film.

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    “At the premieres, I saw children fall into wild hysteria when they saw Dilyana Popova or Evelin Kostova. But even the most famous actresses and models are people. And they get pimples,” she said.

    It was the desire for more beauty that prompted her to have her first nose operation at the age of 17. He admits that there are 12 of them.

    “My head didn’t listen to me as a teenager. At the age of 17, I went to summer camp and came back with nose surgery. Which is something I regret to this day. It triggered other health problems.” – Karayaneva shares.

    He admits that there was a time when these operations resonated with serious damage, but so far everything is fine.

    “You shouldn’t go this way until you have a well-developed maxillofacial. The longer you wait, the better. I’m not against these interventions, but there are a lot of people who lose their charm when they do something like that. . ” – The actress is honest.

    She also reveals that her participation in the film was in order to get to know the work of the producer more.

    He and Bashar Rahal are partners both on stage and in real life. He says that it is most pleasant with him when they are abroad, because only then he relaxed and did not think about work. Their last trip was to Egypt.

    She will have 3 weeks of travel abroad related to the premiere of the film, as well as the end of a semester in the specialty “Journalism”, which the actress is currently studying.

    Radina Lazarova


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