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Based on a fossilized algae, Chileans developed a product to help agriculture

The organic concept continues to advance by leaps and bounds. A group of Chileans is developing diatoms, which are organic and natural fertilizer algae, in addition to being sustainable for agriculture.

Diatoms TM, which is developed by the company Power Of Nature, is a very beneficial natural amendment fertilizer for soils, maintaining a fertile land, respectful with the environment, reusable and regenerating the soil, which is why it is used in the fertilization of farmland.

“Diatoms produce soil sanitation, enhance the growth process of plants, helping them to be stronger and with better fruits, In addition, it has been included in the list of authorized products for organic production in Chile as Amendment Fertilizer in the world of agriculture “, assures Diego Vega, CEO of diatomeas.cl.

Another benefit is its reflective property, which makes it the perfect protection against the sun and high temperatures. If a little diatomaceous earth is sprayed on the plant, it will create a thin layer that reflects the sunlight. ideal for fruit tree plantations. In addition, it is safe for humans

“Actually we are sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, in a project that involves reducing the emission of greenhouse gases in the process of fertilization and amendment of agricultural land, benefiting small farmers with the option of carbon credits that minimize their costs, helping the planet to recover “, he commented Vega.

Chilean entrepreneurship is part of the International Foundation 1% For The Planet, for the creation with part of its earnings of educational means and promotion of self-sustainable production in the country.

Finally, Power Of Nature is working with other variables of the product for the Livestock area such as food additive anti-caking agents and an internal and external deworming. In addition, in the Industrial area, as a solution to the problem of garbage and spills of dangerous liquids in the fuel and transportation industry.

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