Home » today » Business » Bas Paternotte – That D66 does not want to cooperate with FvD is not news, that FvD does not exclude that itself is newsworthy

Bas Paternotte – That D66 does not want to cooperate with FvD is not news, that FvD does not exclude that itself is newsworthy

Buitenhof presenter Pieter Jan Hagens had set his sights on it: brand new D66 leader Sigrid Kaag had to and would say on National Television on Sunday that she would exclude the PVV and Forum for Democracy (FvD) as government partner. He asked several times, Kaag said the first time that she did not like cooperation and rightly looked somewhat bored that she had to confirm it twice more. Nice deadly sentence from Kaag: “It is not the first time that I have said no to that.” Those images you can see here.

And indeed she has said it before. In her Abel Herzberg lecture in 2018, her criticism – without mentioning his name – also focused on Thierry Baudets FvD, who according to her constituents ‘seduces with romantic nineteenth-century nationalism’, on Liberation Day this year. she reaffirmed her dislike after her HM van Randwijk lecture:

“As a party leader, Kaag says when asked that D66 will never cooperate with FvD.”

D66 intermediate Pope Rob Jetten said this in February: “D66 will not enter into negotiations with FvD after elections if Thierry Baudet is the leader.

It was a wild spring because in April said Baudet during his infamous conversation on No style:

“We are simply in a certain situation in which the culture-Marxist left mainstream, from VVD, CDA to D66, PvdA, GroenLinks and SP, all want more or less the same thing. That is the destruction of the Netherlands: mass immigration, EU, climate, all those other things … They have all the newspapers, they have the public broadcaster, they have all subsidy channels, all museums, all universities, the entire civil service, the judiciary. . That’s what we’re up against.”

That tone is different now. Because what is the party account twittering this Sunday accompanied by a retweet from the FvD party leader?

Forum for Democracy does not rule out D66. Interesting headline for a news article, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve seen it anywhere.


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