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Bart De Wever says he is ready to assume his responsibilities at the federal level

The president of the N-VA gave a speech to his supporters on Saturday evening in Mechelen.

IThey were around 5000 “Flemish lions” gathered Saturday evening in Mechelen to listen to the wishes of Bart De Wever. Face to face with his supporters, the boss of the N-VA welcomed the continuation of his political party with the highest responsibilities in Flanders, despite the electoral defeat on May 26. He then returned at length to the internal challenges of his region, before moving on to the “elephant” who was also in the room: the discussions for the formation of a federal government. As a reminder, everything has been blocked for more than seven months.

“The future is very uncertain”

Bart De Wever hasn’t made any big disclosures about potential breakthroughs. “Unfortunately, what will happen in the next few days seems to me to be anything but clear. The future is really very uncertain. Informants Georges-Louis Bouchez and Joachim Coens are however expected to visit the King on Monday to deliver their second report.

The mayor of Antwerp continues to profile himself as “constructive” and “available”. Above all, he took the opportunity to launch a small spade to Gwendolyn Rutten, the president of the VLD, without however naming her. He thus referred to these people “on top of the parties” who think only of a post of minister or prime minister, which would further complicate the political game. We learned this weekend from reading the Flemish press that Rutten had refused a meeting with the CD&V and the N-VA this week.

No “DIY” coalition

Still without naming a personality or a party, De Wever said that the Flemings did not want a “DIY” coalition. However, we know that the informants worked to bring together seven parties around the table (CD&V, MR, VLD, PS, SP.A, Groen and Ecolo). It would always be the preferred track even if the CD&V has sown in recent days. Again on Saturday in Tijd, the Flemish Minister of Labor Hilde Crevits, favored an alliance with the N-VA. Bart De Wever hit the nail on the head, declaring: “We need a Flemish majority on the federal side”. Which is mathematically impossible without the nationalists.

Bart De Wever concluded his intervention by ensuring that he was “always ready to take responsibility.” It should be noted that he preferred to end by speaking socio-economic rather than “confederalism”. In particular on the issue of raising the lowest pensions. A final call from the foot to the PS which still refuses any discussion? Answer (maybe) Monday.

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