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Bari, storm over Emiliano’s words. Decaro: “This is how it went 20 years ago”

The controversy over the words of Michele Emiliano it becomes a storm. The sentence pronounced by the Region present, who, during the anti-mafia demonstration in Bari, reported having accompanied the then Traffic Councilor, Antonio Decaro, by the boss’s sister for an issue regarding threats following the establishment of the ZTL in the old city, immediately provoked a counterattack from the centre-right.

“The statements made publicly yesterday by President Emiliano are worthy of an in-depth study by the Anti-Mafia Commission”, said the vice-president of the Anti-Mafia Commission, Mauro D’Attis.

“On the case of Bari – continues D’Attis – in addition to having acquired all the documents, a series of hearings must also be scheduled. Among these is that of Antonio Di Matteoformer president of Amtab, the municipal corporation of Bari who today in a local newspaper speaks of rigged competitions, complaints and, above all, silence: words that paint a very serious, pathological picture, which deserves careful investigation in all places”.

He answers him Francesco Boccia, president of the senators of the Democratic Party: “The right, its representatives, the Honorable D’Attis who first participated in a summit at the Ministry of the Interior which was completely out of place and now pontificates as vice president of the Anti-Mafia, the group leaders of the majority who are now raising their voices should be ashamed and stop using parliamentary institutions and commissions as a political cudgel. The Anti-Mafia Commission is too serious a thing to be used for electoral purposes. But by now this right has, unfortunately, accustomed us to everything.” The Dem group in the Anti-Mafia commission (Walter Verini, Debora Serracchiani, Andrea Orlando, Giuseppe Provenzano, Anthony Barbagallo, Enza Rando, Franco Mirabelli, Valeria Valente) expresses “deep concern and disdain for the climate of conflict and electoral speculation that the right has created. All hearings, without exception, missions, accesses, must have this purpose and not be used for electoral purposes and with conflicts of interest such as those, for example, of vice-president D’Attis, who is campaigning in Puglia, goes from Coming to terms with Sisto to ask for and obtain the access commission to dissolve the Municipality”.

Bari, the embrace of 10 thousand to Decaro: “This square is the answer to those who tarnish the city”. Canfora: “Fascism began like this”

by Chiara Spagnolo

But Decaro doesn’t fit. The mayor of Bari, in recent days under fire due to the sending of commissioners from the Interior Ministry who has started the procedure that could lead to the dissolution of the Bari city council (where voting is held in June) after the 130 arrests for the mafia, he denies.


Decaro’s tears: “I challenged the Bari mafiosi and they threatened me, here are the names”

video-component id="player_ex_422360711" type="standard" data-src="https://video.repubblica.it/embed/edizione/bari/le-lacrime-di-decaro-ho-sfidato-i-mafiosi-di-bari-e-mi-hanno-minacciato-ecco-i-nomi/465263/466220?adref=https://bari.repubblica.it/cronaca/2024/03/24/news/bufera_sulle_parole_di_emiliano_il_centrodestra_va_allattacco_il_vicepresidente_dellantimafia_annuncia_audizioni_un_qu-422364747/&generation=pageload&responsive=true&gd-facet-webview=false&pm=true&pl_listen=true&el=player_ex_422360711&mode=embed&bcplayer=true">


The reconstruction

“As regards that particular episode, from almost twenty years ago – says Decaro – Emiliano doesn’t remember well. It’s certainly true that he gave me all his support, in the face of protests from a good part of the neighborhood, when we started to close Bari is old to cars, but I have never gone to any sister’s house.” So much so that Mrs Lina Capriati, interviewed by Tg1, she remembers: “Never seen Decaro. When did Decaro ever come? How can they say that this person knows us?”.


Mafia, Don Ciotti embraces mayor Decaro: “It’s your life that speaks, we are outraged”

video-component id="player_ex_422360710" type="standard" data-src="https://video.repubblica.it/embedaudio/edizione/bari/mafia-don-ciotti-abbraccia-il-sindaco-decaro-e-la-tua-vita-che-parla-siamo-indignati/465323/466280?adref=https://bari.repubblica.it/cronaca/2024/03/24/news/bufera_sulle_parole_di_emiliano_il_centrodestra_va_allattacco_il_vicepresidente_dellantimafia_annuncia_audizioni_un_qu-422364747/&generation=pageload&responsive=true&gd-facet-webview=false&pm=true&pl_listen=true&el=player_ex_422360710&mode=embed&bcplayer=true">


Mayor Decaro reconstructs the context in which the story took place, which dates back to when Emiliano was mayor of Bari and he was councilor for Traffic. “We need to be absolutely precise about these things – he states – First of all it is good to remember the context. There was an anti-mafia magistrate who had just been elected mayor, in a neighbourhood, like that of Old Bari, always accustomed to wild parking in total illegality. Imagine what the reactions could be to a young councilor who allowed himself to enter the neighborhood to completely revolutionize habits, starting with mobility, pedestrianizing a large part of the streets and installing cameras on the access gates”.

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“As regards that episode in particular, from almost twenty years ago – he adds – Emiliano doesn’t remember well. It is certainly true that he gave me all his support, in the face of protests from a good part of the neighbourhood, when we began to close down Bari old to cars, but I’m not never went in no sister’s house.”

“After some arguments with some residents – he adds – one day, as we entered the Cathedral, we met some boys in the square, who were also quite ‘skeptical’ about the new rules, who began to rail against me. Michele told them to leave me alone because I had to work for the children of the neighborhood.” “The lady in question instead – concludes Decaro – as reported in the news of the time, I met her on the street, long after the closure to traffic, and I argued with her because she couldn’t resign herself to the installation of the flower boxes which prevented the passage of cars “.

Michele Emiliano: “When I was mayor of Bari, they threatened councilor Decaro and I ‘entrusted’ him to the boss’s sister”. The controversy erupts

To the controversy

However, the controversy escalates. Regarding what happened in Bari “Emiliano’s statements are not to be commented on, I would never have spoken to the sister of a boss for any reason”. The Foreign Minister said this in Potenza, Antonio Tajani, on the sidelines of an electoral initiative in view of the regional elections. And another minister also intervenes.

“There is only one answer for me, it’s not about the mafia”: this was stated in a note by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Roberto Calderoli. “Up until now I have not wanted to deal with the events of the metropolitan city of Bari, or even comment on them, because the minister appointed to do so is following them impeccably, Matteo Piantedosi“, adds Calderoli. “I’m doing it today – he explains – because yesterday during the demonstration in support of Mayor Decaro the perimeter was also widened into a regional context in light of the words of the Apulian governor Emiliano”.

“Piantedosi is the real criminal”: the attack of the anti-mafia priest on the stage in Bari

by Gennaro Totorizzo

“The Interior Ministry should proceed as soon as possible with the dissolution of the municipality of Bari. After Emiliano’s self-denunciation, it is impossible and intolerable to continue to have in office a regional president and a mayor of the capital who rely on the sister of a boss to carry out the ‘activities in the territory’. Thus the federal deputy secretary of the League Andrea Crippa.


Emiliano from the stage: “Decaro threatened, I took him to the boss’s sister and said: ‘I entrust him to you'”

video-component id="player_ex_422362906" type="standard" data-src="https://video.repubblica.it/embed/edizione/bari/emiliano-dal-palco-decaro-minacciato-lo-portai-dalla-sorella-del-boss-e-dissi-te-lo-affido/465526/466482?adref=https://bari.repubblica.it/cronaca/2024/03/24/news/bufera_sulle_parole_di_emiliano_il_centrodestra_va_allattacco_il_vicepresidente_dellantimafia_annuncia_audizioni_un_qu-422364747/&generation=pageload&responsive=true&gd-facet-webview=false&pm=true&pl_listen=true&el=player_ex_422362906&mode=embed&bcplayer=true">


“The posthumous justificationism of governor Emiliano, in the aftermath of his public utterances in the square in Bari, where he confessed to having recommended the then councilor and now mayor Decaro to the sister of a boss, is comical and unacceptable. If he had behaved like this a center-right regional president, the left would have shouted scandal, resignation, asking to search his home and office too. Have Conte and Schlein heard and have nothing to add? Or do they agree with Emiliano that one can also talk to the relatives of the bosses when is it useful to some friend?”. As Thomas Fotigroup leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber.

Bari case, Licia Ronzulli breaks the centre-right front: “This Wild West was wrong”

by Davide Carlucci

And a criticism also comes from Matteo Renzileader of Italia Viva: “I think that Antonio Decaro is a good person – he states – and a good mayor. If I have to criticize him for one thing it is because he never broke the umbilical cord with Michele Emiliano. In fact, my opinion on Emiliano is radically negative. Ideas, friendships and style divide me from him. But above all, the method with which politics is done divides me from him. The Emiliano method. I am proud that Italia Viva is in opposition to Emiliano. Because his way of acting denies all the values ​​in which I believe. Never before have I been proud of having been unfairly insulted by him on Tap, Ilva, Buona scuola, and of being radically different from him in my relationship with justice. And above all with judges”.

#Bari #storm #Emilianos #words #Decaro #years
– 2024-03-31 11:41:19

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