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“Bari loses one of the most beloved performers of popular comedy”

Hundreds of messages for disappearance by Mariolina De Fano. The mayor Antonio Decaro also wanted to express his personal condolences and that of the city to the family of the actress Mariolina De Fano. “Bari mourns the sudden death of Mariolina De Fano, a sensitive artist who, since the beginning of her forty-year career, has been able to win the sympathy and affection of the people of Bari. Her talent and professional qualities projected her into the panorama of national cinema – said Decaro – Bari loses one of the most loved performers of popular comedy, capable of embodying baresity with all its contradictions. Mariolina De Fano is the daughter of that cultural vitality that animated Bari in the seventies with very significant theatrical experiences. Bari today loses one of its best known and most popular faces. Hi Mariolina, Bari will not forget you ”. (Facebook photo)-

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