Home » today » World » Barcelona’s Torre Godó, affected by a fire that has already been extinguished

Barcelona’s Torre Godó, affected by a fire that has already been extinguished

A fire that has not caused any injuries and has already been extinguished broke out early in the morning in the 20th floor of the Godó Tower in Barcelonaa building of 24 floors located on Diagonal Avenuewhose sides remain closed to traffic in the early hours of Tuesday.

According to the Barcelona City Council, the fire started at 10:00 a.m. 03.30 hours for reasons that have not yet been determined and has forced the evacuation of the few people who were inside at the time and the complete closure of traffic on Avenida Diagonal.

The Barcelona Firefighters, who have deployed 17 endowments to the tower, they have already extinguished the fire and are currently ventilating the building, which is not accessible to employees of the companies it houses, including the Godó Communications Group.

Bit before 08.00 hours The central trunk of Avenida Diagonal has been reopened to traffic, although the sides of the road remain closed to traffic.

The Godó Tower of Barcelona is located in the number 477 from Diagonal Avenue and has a height of 82 meters and 24 floors. About 7.20 amFirefighters are carrying out ventilation tasks and possible structural damage cannot be ruled out at this time.

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