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Barcelona’s first post covid race ends in surprise

Ni Reyes Estévez, ni Carles Castillejo ni José Luis Blanco. The first post covid race, the Milla Sant Pau disputed this Saturday in Barcelona, ​​ended with surprise: he took it Josep Díaz Carretero, an unknown athlete who surprised the three great male stars that the poster presented.

Diaz Carretero He will be able to tell that when the athletics returned to the asphalt of the Catalan capital, after almost four months without any test being contested, he was able to prevail over three Olympians who accumulate World Cup medals and Spanish championships in their record.

800 meter circuit

On an 800-meter circuit, in the privileged historic area of ​​the Sant Pau hospital, Díaz Carreteror completed his two fastest laps in 5.02. Surprised for just a second (5.03) to Reyes Estévez, a distance specialist, who was fighting his particular battle with Castillejo and White.

The professionals chose to press the accelerator on the third and fourth lap of the six that the course had. Diaz Carretero, who started right behind them, accelerated on the second and third turns and accumulated so much advantage that no one managed to match his mark. The third classified was Albert Nogueras with 5.12. Castillejo he was fourth with 5.25 and White, fifth with 5.48.

In the female category, the story was similar. The former marker and now marathoner Nerea Costal (5.58) surprised the specialist Anna Bové for one second. Bové, at 5.59, was far from the 4.48 credited in the mile. Third place went to Jackeline Gomez with 6.42.

“I am happy because the riders had a good time and left happy. In addition, all the protocols have worked perfectly and we have not had any problems,” he told EL PERIÓDICO Andreu Ballvé, owner of the Championchip company, organizer of the race next to the Hospital de Sant Pau. “I think it will serve as a reference for future tests,” added the exochocentista.

The collection, to investigate about the covid 19

To adapt to the new circumstances marked by the coronavirus crisis, the race organizers cut the number of participants in half -100-. Upon arrival, they took the temperature of all the runners. These collected their numbers of ten in the same place where they left their belongings. They heated freely through the compound and, before taking the exit, they were arranged in two rows in which the numbering appeared marked.

The start was staggered: two runners every five seconds. The first four to come out were four male athletes including the three stars on the poster. After them, the two fastest women emerged. All the collection achieved by the Mile of St. Paul, which should have been disputed on March 21 and had another purpose, will go to the investigations that the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is now carrying out to combat covid-19.

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