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Barcelona restaurateurs see the criteria for expanding terraces as “unrealistic”

The president of it Barcelona Restoration GuildRoger Pallarols has said that some criteria contained in the Mayor’s decree for the terrace expansion “They are unrealistic and will hinder their effective expansion.”

In a statement this Wednesday, Pallarols has said that the Guild
Restoration, Barcelona Comerç Foundation and Barcelona
Oberta they have concluded the negotiation with the municipal government after their main amendments have not been accepted. “The text, therefore, does not have our endorsement,” and recalled that the principle of agreement was very well received between the sector and opposition groups, and regretted that the document does not have the support of all.

Pallarols has said that the intention of the government municipal is to gain space for the terraces on the road (traffic lanes and parking), but has warned that its authorization will not be immediate and that “it may take weeks.”

The union fears that the processing of licenses and authorizations and the authorization of terraces will slow down the measure

“In many cases the only way to expand will be on the sidewalk and we trust that a positive response can be given, adjusted to the particularities of each case,” and he warned that there will be thousands of requests to process.

In this sense, he fears that the processing of licenses and authorizations and the enabling of these spaces on the roadway will slow down the measure and its objective, which is to promote the economic reactivation of the city’s restoration and commerce.

Pallarols thanked the “involvement and support” of the municipal opposition groups, although he has said that he does not rule out reaching a greater consensus with the government during the license processing period.

Deputy Mayor Jaume Collboni and Janet Sanz will appear at 4:00 pm on Wednesday to explain the City Council’s proposal to offset the 50% restriction that will be applied to the terraces during deconfusion.

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