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Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau Proposes Government Pact with PSC and ERC: A Path to Stability and Majority Rule

After the agreement of 12 parties to the left of the PSOE to come together under the Sumar brand, new airs of confluence arrive from Barcelona. This time, from the still mayor Ada Colau, who was left with nine councilors behind the PSC candidate, Jaume Collboni, and the Junts leader, Xavier Trías, who won the municipal elections with 11 seats.

The leader of Barcelona en Comú has suggested this June 13 a government pact to “share” the mayoralty between this party, the PSC and ERC, an “imaginative” proposal, according to Colau on TVE, to unlock the pacts and reach a majority that guarantees the investiture. The proposal gains strength after ERC leaders declared that in their contacts with different political formations they rule out an alliance that the Government gives to the PSC.

Colau’s proposal, which would add 24 councilors, three more than necessary, implies a kind of game of chairs: the legislature would begin with a year in which the Republican candidate Ernest Maragall would be mayor of Barcelona. Two consecutive terms of one and a half years each for Colau and Collboni would follow.

The legislature would begin with a year in which the Republican candidate Ernest Maragall would be the mayor of Barcelona. He would be followed by two consecutive terms of one and a half years each of Colau and Collboni.

The proposal is justified, said Colau, because “the largest and most solid majority is that of the left.” However, although ERC has shown itself “willing to talk”, it continues to hold talks with Junts to form a government with a pro-independence tinge. A path that collides with the lack of a third ally that gives them the necessary majority of 21 seats to form a government, a third ally that, to this day, does not exist. The pact proposed by Colau would include the elaboration of a joint program where the common points are explored. Consecutive terms would serve, according to the current mayoress, to iron out the differences and allow each candidate “their moment of visibility and leadership.”

Barely four hours after Colau’s statements, the PSC representative in the negotiations, Laia Bonet, rejected this possibility of a three-way pact, alleging that “Barcelona voted for change.” According to Bonet, this type of agreement would not ensure stability and she maintains that her party is the only one that can aspire to “gather a majority.”

#Colau #launches #imaginative #proposal #left #preserve #Barcelona

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