Home » today » Sport » ‘Barcelona’ continues to change after the fiasco – Abidal, the director criticized by Messi, also resigns

‘Barcelona’ continues to change after the fiasco – Abidal, the director criticized by Messi, also resigns

The Spanish football super league club “Barcelona” continues the promised reconstruction, following in the footsteps of the head coach fired Enrique Setien, who was fired on Monday, the club’s sports director Erik Abidal also goes a day later, the club reports on Tuesday.

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It has already been reported that caused by the change wreck with a score of 2: 8 (1: 4) Champions League in the quarterfinals of the Bayern Munich match.

“Barcelona and Abidals have reached an agreement to terminate the contract,” the club said on its website.

Like Setien, whose potential replacement is Dutchman Ronald Kuman, Abidal has paid his price after not losing the “La Liga” title in Spain and being defeated in the Champions League quarterfinals.

This was the first season of the Barcelona team since 2007, when the club was left without any trophies.

The former defender of the left wing of the French national team, who ran 67 times in its ranks on the pitch, played in the ranks of the Barcelona team from 2007 to 2013. He also had health problems during this time and had a liver transplant.

Abidals was appointed Sports Director in June 2018 and fell relentlessly as coach. The dismissal of Ernesto Valverde in January this year.

The former footballer and other officials, while Valverde was still in office, went to Doha, the capital of Qatar, to offer team coaching to Barcelona’s longtime midfielder, Shavier Ernandes Kreus, or Shavi, but he refused.

In an interview, Abidals blamed the players for firing Valverde, provoking to anger even the usually discreet superstar Lionel Messi.

Mesi posted a message to his Instagram account, urging Abidalu to “take responsibility for his decisions” and “name his words”.

Setjens, on the other hand, won 16 victories, four draws and defeated five times in the 25 games he led.

Following Sethen’s departure on Monday, the club promised “fundamental changes”.

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