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Barcelona citizens with COVID-19 will have more accommodation and home services

Barcelona has launched the Municipal quarantine support program for the proper isolation of people with COVID-19. A program that aims guarantee home insulation of the residents of the city who have difficulties in complying with the sanitary recommendations due to their residential or socioeconomic situation. Specifically, these are people or families who cannot isolate themselves in optimal conditions after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and not requiring hospitalization or after being in contact with people who have tested positive for COVID-19.

The Program includes the accommodation, the home delivery of food, the protection equipment and the service of cleaning.

Up to 3,000 masks, gloves and other protective equipment will be distributed thanks to Open Arms volunteers.
(Aj. Barcelona)

Accommodation to quarantine

This week has opened the new Hotel Salud, which offers 80 rooms and will work with a specific social support booster. In addition, different operators have yielded free of charge until the end of June 85 tourist apartments no longer in use, and the Consistory will be responsible for supply and cleaning costs.

Referrals are made from the primary care of the Health Department of the Generalitat, which detects people in home isolation who have difficulties, or occasionally from Health hospitals or hotels, and has the support of the city’s Social Services.

The program includes accommodation, home delivery of food, protective equipment and cleaning service.

The program includes accommodation, home delivery of food, protective equipment and cleaning service.
(Aj. Barcelona)

Home services, a frequent necessity

A dozen municipal technicians will be in charge of coordinating the different devices of home services. They are expected to take place until 500 cleaning or disinfection at home and they will be distributed until 3,000 masks, gloves and other protective equipment thanks to volunteer staff from Open arms, which will also carry out periodic waste collection tasks. The Hope and Help Foundation, which works to avoid loneliness and abandonment of elderly people and animals, will be in charge of the care of domestic animals. In addition, the home delivery service for medication to fragile people, which is carried out in collaboration with the Red Cross, continues to operate in the city.

Regarding food, with the initiative “Baskets against COVID-19”, jointly promoted by the City Council, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the company Linesport, 20,000 batches of food and specific health information have already been delivered to prevent vulnerable people from having to go outside, 409 under the new municipal program.

The Quarantine Support Program, in collaboration with the Red Cross, offers food batches and hygiene and cleaning products to people diagnosed with COVID-19 or in preventive isolation that the primary care services indicate. On the other hand, since the start of the alarm state, the municipal food service for 585 households, a resource that will be promoted with the collaboration of the Food Bank, World Central Kitchen, Sagardi and Food for Good.

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