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Barcelona bans Inter scarves and shirts at the stadium. Xavi: “Camp Nou will be a volcano”

BARCELONA – It is forbidden to sit in the stadium with Nerazzurri clothing and flags outside the guest sector. This was announced on Barcelona with an official note addressed to the away guest supporters. The communication arrives on the eve of tomorrow’s match with theInterand at the end of a week of fierce controversy by the men of the blaugrana company on the refereeing of the first leg. After the coach Xaviwho with words and gestures had accused the referee and Var of being corrupt for a hands not whistled a Dumfries in the end, also the President Laporta has communicated that he had sent his complaints to the Uefa. And the Catalan newspapers do not stop accusing Inter of having obtained the 1-0 victory thanks to the scam.

Inter, at Camp Nou scarves and jerseys only in the guest sector

Now, the crackdown: no cheering at the stadium, except for the narrow guest sector in the pigeon house. What Barcelona wants to avoid is the repetition of what happened last April, when the blaugrana were eliminated at home from the Europa League by Eintracht Frankfurt, who were followed by 30 thousand fans at the Camp Nou. Precisely for this reason, digital tickets have been banned for subscribers, as six months ago many Culé fans gave their pre-emption rights to German supporters.

Xavi: “Camp Nou will be a volcano”

The controversial tones of the past few days have been set aside in the press conference on the eve of the day Xavi he wanted to give his people a boost. “We have to be brave, it is a final for us. There is no possibility of error after the two defeats we have suffered. We hope for a magical night. We will have to attack better, from the first minute. For us, only the three points are worth. in an uncomfortable situation. It is a final and we will face it as such. ” Thinking of the stadium, which promises to be a real bedlam, he said: “Tomorrow the Camp Nou is sold out, the fans have understood the moment. It will have to be a volcano, we will play our game”. He then clarified that Koundé will not be of the match, while for De Jong there are hopes of being employed. To those who asked him if he would sign for the 1-0, result of the first leg, he replied: “I would sign for a 2-0, if I can choose”. With the coach he presented himself at the press conference the young and very strong Pedriwho reiterated the concepts expressed by Xavi: “It will really be a final for us. Inter are good at closing and restarting, but we have a lot of quality ”.

Inzaghi: “We have to keep the ball as much as possible with Barcelona”

Simone Inzaghi during the press conference he did not solve the knot of formation, especially as regards the attack: “Not even my players know it yet, I have doubts and I still have some time to decide. I have two regular forwards, Lautaro And Dzekothat come from three or four consecutive games. I can decide to raise Çalhanoglu or Mkhitaryan to let them catch their breath. On the bench I have Curatolo or Carboni who are very young. I would have liked to have played against Barcelona with full Inter Milan. “On Inter’s approach to the Camp Nou pit, Inzaghi clarified:” Much of the match will pass from our possession phase. Barcelona is a team that has favored possession for years, but we too have a lot of quality. We have to try to keep the ball as much as possible, try to dribble even better than in the first leg. “

Lautaro: “Me in Barcelona? Old negotiation, I have what I want at Inter”

Finally, a double jab to those in Barcelona who complained about the refereeing of the first leg, and with the blaugrana club that banned Inter fans from wearing their jerseys outside the away sector: “On the direction of the match, the Uefa has made its assessments: the referee and Var have also been appointed for this day. As for the fans, at San Siro everyone can come with the shirt they want “. At the conference alongside the coaches he presented himself Lautaro Martinezwho returned to talk about the negotiation that could have brought him to Barcelona: “The negotiation that could have brought me to Barcelona is now over. I have what I want. I am an Inter player, I do my best for Inter.”

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