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Barcelona Admitted to Play Champions League After UEFA Investigation on Negreira Case

Barcelona has leaked this Friday that next season they will play the Champions League After the UEFA have finished their work with the culé entity in relation to the Negreira case. The Barça club, in this way, has been admitted to play the next edition, in the 23/24 campaign, of the Champions League.

After studying the Negreira case thoroughly, the Barcelona has leaked that it already has the ‘ok’ of the UEFA to dispute the Champions League next season. The UEFA investigators have thus concluded that the Barcelona He is admitted for all purposes to play in the Champions League in the 23/24 season.

This is how the UEFA al Barcelona this very Friday. It was one of the big doubts for the coming season in a Barca key. To know if the Barcelona entity would play in Europe or not, after the scandal of the Negreira casewhose episodes continue to appear in full trial.

The researchers of the UEFA have concluded that there are no grounds for excluding the Barcelona from Champions League of the season that comes after being League champion the season. All this despite the fact that the Barcelona entity was for more than a decade paying, more than seven million euros, to the vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees.

For Javier Tebas, the crimes had prescribed at the national level. But not for UEFA. The maximum European organization has investigated what happened and has found no indications to sanction the culé club as the Barcelona this very Friday.

2023-07-01 05:19:16
#Barcelona #leaks #play #Champions #League #season

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