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Barcelona adapts to guarantee the safety of citizens who go out for a walk or do sports

So that walking, playing sports and moving around on foot within the neighborhood is safe, the city of Barcelona has adapted during the confinement process. Therefore, since Friday, May 1, 18.5 kilometers of back streets it
reserved for pedestrians, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and 70 parks have been opened that have an access door.

The objective is to guarantee safe walking itineraries in all neighborhoods, which have a width of passage of a minimum of 4 meters, which includes streets with very wide sidewalks, streets with priority for pedestrians, squares and boulevards

The streets that will be cut to traffic are preferably located in the neighborhoods with fewer safe spaces, without access to large open spaces and with a high population density.

The neighborhood, emergency vehicles, and loading and unloading services will be able to access it.

The streets with very narrow sidewalks have been closed to traffic, as is the case of this street in the Gràcia neighborhood.
(Aj. Barcelona)

Let’s go back to the parks!

A total of 70 parks with access gates reopen on May 1 to facilitate walks near the home, within the neighborhood, and contact with nature. The Ciutadella Park will open on May 4.

What must be considered?

• They are places of passage.
• Children’s areas will remain closed.
• Dog areas are open: remember that assistance dogs have priority, that socialization is not allowed, that you have to be in them as little as possible and that you have to collect excrement and clean the urine with soap and water .
• You have to keep two meters of distance between people.
• You must use the bins.
• You have to respect the vegetation and the nests.

The maintenance of the green areas will be done gradually over the next few days.

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