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Barça TV + was conceived on an AVE back from Madrid

Last week it showed up
Barça TV +, the audiovisual content platform on the Barca which will allow all culés in the world to enjoy the club, its news, its history and, especially, entertainment in a much more direct way. The idea of ​​the platform, which will allow to monetize the enormous pull of the club on the planet, arose in a trip by High Speed ​​train. In November 2018, four executives from the Barca, back from Madridthey thought of this OTT as a strategic project.
he gave the go-ahead as soon as they told him. Now, a year and a half later, it is a reality and he is spoken of as “the Netflix of the Barca. For me, it is much better. In three months of confinement I have accumulated a proven experience in navigating the platform and, between so much film and so much documentary, you do not know what to choose. In the end, at home, we realized that we spent more time deciding what we saw than enjoying the final option chosen.

Whereas in BarçaTV + the opposite happens to me. I am missing hours to see all the contents. The challenge of Griezmann with


in ‘Ready‘It fascinates me. The story of
Arthur Melo
in ‘Origins’Left me open-mouthed. And I have hours to go to watch magical matches, goal collections and reports of all kinds.

Barça TV +, new streaming platform for FC Barcelona
Barça TV +, new streaming platform for FC Barcelona
Barça TV +, new streaming platform for FC Barcelona

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