November dedicated to young readers in Barberino di Mugello. It starts on Tuesday 5 November. at 5pm, at the Chapter 7 Bookshop, with Harry Potter Potions, workshop with Isabella Barreca (paid upon registration, for children aged 10 and over, call 3534406628.
Thursday 7 November, 5pm, E. Balducci Municipal Library, Hunting for monsters! Creating a hybrid: half man or half animal?, with Mattia Sarti. Free, for children aged 11 to 14. Maximum 10 participants (registration in the library or 3663468666).
From Saturday 9th to Sunday 17th November, at the Chapter 7 Bookshop, #ioleggoperchè, week dedicated to the donation of books to school libraries. During the week reading promotion activities in collaboration with the Barberino di Mugello comprehensive institute.
Saturday 9 November, at 4pm, in the Balducci Library, The game becomes space: free board game workshop, dedicated to children aged 8 to 14 and their families (registration 3663468666 or in the library). For fans of board games, a new appointment on November 12th at 5pm.
Thursday 14 November, at 5pm, again at Balducci, Yoga and storytelling, a fun journey into the world of animals, with readings that dialogue with Asana (yoga) positions, to learn movements and gestures linked to the world of nature. With the Bookies Association, for children aged 3-5 years, free. Registrations in the library on 3663468666 (also whatsapp).
Last two appointments always in the Library, at 5pm: on the 21st with How is a seed born?, free workshop with Elena Barbugli, for children aged 6-10, registrations in the library or on 3663468666 (also whatsapp); on the 28th, I identify with myself: creating a story, role-playing workshop with Dario Landi and Mattia Sarti, free, for children aged 9-14, registration in the library or on 3663468666 (also whatsapp).