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Barack Obama at Democratic Convention: Trump’s Return Like ‘A Worse Sequel’

  • On Tuesday, at the Democratic convention in Chicago, Obama endorsed Kamala Harris for president and strongly condemned Donald Trump’s stance. “We don’t need another four years of bluster and chaos,” he said.
  • Michelle Obama also spoke out, encouraging Democrats to take action to mobilize voters and win the election. She criticized Trump, mocking him and recalling the conspiracy theories he promotes
  • Kamala Harris has officially been chosen as a presidential candidate. In her speech, she thanked the citizens for their faith in her
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In a speech on the second day of the Democratic convention in Chicago, Obama paid tribute to President Biden, calling him “an outstanding president who defended democracy.” He also endorsed Kamala Harris as the candidate who would “open a new chapter in American history” and warned against a return to power for Donald Trump, comparing him to “your neighbor who keeps a leaf blower running outside your window every minute of every day.”

Barack Obama has strong words for Trump

— Trump is a 78-year-old billionaire who hasn’t stopped complaining about his problems since he came down the golden escalator nine years ago. We don’t need another four years of shouting and chaos. We’ve seen the movie, and we all know that sequels are usually worse, Obama said. He said Trump is driven only by self-interest and is using the oldest tricks in politics, preying on voters’ fears and basest instincts.

Former president At the same time, he called for unity and preservation of America’s fundamental values as a nation built on ideas, not race or origin.

“That’s why when we uphold our values, the world becomes a little brighter, and when we don’t, it becomes a little darker. Dictators and autocrats feel emboldened, and we become a little less safe,” the former president noted.

He also emphasized that Both Harris and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz come from middle-class backgrounds and are, in his opinion, role models of people who should be involved in politics.

“I don’t care how you identify politically”

Even though Obama was the keynote speaker Tuesday night, it was his wife Michelle who made the biggest impression on the 20,000-seat audience at the United Center in Chicago, performing before him.who urged Democrats to make an effort to mobilize voters and win the election. She admitted that although recently, like others, she felt a palpable sense of fear about the future, the last few weeks and the improving Kamala Harris’s electoral prospects have restored her hope.

“We should be the antidote to this darkness and division. I don’t care what your political identity is, whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or none of the above. Now is the time to stand up for what we know in our hearts is right, not just our basic freedoms, but dignity and humanity, basic respect and empathy and the values ​​that are the very foundation of this democracy,” the former First Lady said.

“It’s up to us to remember what Kamala’s mother told her: don’t sit and complain, just do something!” she added.

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Like her husband, Michelle Obama criticized Trump, mocking him and recalling the conspiracy theories he promoted about the former president and his alleged fake birth certificate.

For years, Donald Trump has done everything in his power to make people fear us. His limited, narrow worldview caused him to feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, well-educated, successful people who just happened to be black. […] But who will tell him that the job he is applying for might be one of “those jobs for black people”? — Michelle Obama sarcastically.

‘A New Way Forward for Freedom’ Kamala Harris Thanked Voters

In parallel to the Chicago convention in nearby Milwaukee, site of the July Republican convention, Harris and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz performed at a separate rally in a packed arena. At one point, Harris unexpectedly connected with Chicago, thanking delegates for choosing her as the party’s nominee. Although technically, due to legal complications, delegates chose her in a virtual vote in early August, On Tuesday, the traditional symbolic vote of the 57 delegations from each state, overseas territory and Americans living abroad took place.

“Thank you to everyone here and there for believing in what we can do together. We are honored to be your nominees. This is a people-driven campaign, and together we will forge a new path forward into a future of freedom, optimism and faith,” Harris said.

On Wednesday, Tim Walz will perform in Chicago to accept the nomination for vice president, and on Thursday, Harris will deliver her keynote speech.

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