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Banten Mask Corruption Case, 3 times the price mark-up mode

Serang, CNN Indonesia

Three people have been named suspects in procurement corruption korupsi face mask with price inflating mode alias mark-up which caused state losses of Rp. 1.6 billion.

The three suspects had the initials AS and WF, from PT RAM, and LS who had the status of Commitment Making Officers (PPK) at the Banten Health Office.

“Banten Prosecutor’s Office investigators have made coercive efforts, in the form of arresting three suspects, each AS, WF, and LS. From the private sector and one PPK from the Banten Provincial Health Office, in procuring KN-95 masks,” said the Head of the Banten Prosecutor’s Office. , Asep Nana Mulyana, Thursday (27/5).

The masks intended for health workers (nakes) amount to 14 thousand pieces or pcs. The Budget Plan (RAB) for masks at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 was initially priced at IDR 70 thousand per pcs. Then changed to Rp220 thousand per fruit.

As a result of the more than threefold price change, the state lost around Rp. 1,680 billion.

“There is an expensive price which in our opinion is significant,” he said.

Asep is still reluctant to reveal the potential for additional suspects. His party is waiting for the progress of the examination and investigation of the case, including the addition of other articles due to corruption in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The reason is that for now, investigators think that article 2, juncto article 3, Law (Law) 31 of 1999, juncto 2021 on the eradication of corruption crimes. (Additional article) later we will see the weighting of all kinds,” he said.

(ynd / ain)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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