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Banning of Gendering in Baden-Württemberg Announced by Interior Minister Thomas Strobl

As of: January 16, 2024 8:23 p.m

Gendering with special characters should be banned in the language of the state authorities in Baden-Württemberg. This was announced by the Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU).

Gendering should be prevented in the language of the state authorities in Baden-Württemberg. Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) announced on Tuesday in Stuttgart that special characters such as internal I and gender asterisks will no longer be permitted in administrative language in an administrative regulation. This would then apply to correspondence from ministries or regional councils. This would cure existing “regulatory deficits”. Schools and universities should not initially be affected by the regulation.

Referendum against gender obligation collects thousands of signatures

Previously, the Interior Ministry had one Application for a referendum against a gender requirement in schools and authorities rejected – for formal reasons. The initiators had collected and submitted thousands of signatures. The draft law states that the state government and its subordinate authorities as well as all other institutions in the state should waive requirements for the use of gender-neutral changes and additions.

The CDU parliamentary group also supports the position of the gender opponents – she invited the initiator of the referendum, Heidelberg’s Klaus Hekking, attended the parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday. Hekking had recently filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court against the rejection of the application. However, he announced that he would withdraw the lawsuit if the state government implemented the gender ban – but until then he wanted to keep it in place. For him it’s not about unnecessary confrontation, but rather about leaving “steam in the boiler”.

Strobl wants to introduce a regulation to the cabinet as soon as possible

CDU parliamentary group leader Manuel Hagel emphasized that gender language is exclusive, it does not build bridges but rather opens up rifts. Gender symbols have the potential to divide. Hekking also remembered blind or hearing-impaired people whose lives were made difficult by gender symbols.

In legal language, i.e. in legal texts, administrative regulations and regulations, gendering is already not allowed in Baden-Württemberg, said Strobl. He had previously assumed that this also applied to the administrative language. They now want to enshrine this in a regulation because it happens again and again in the state administration that gender discrimination is taking place, said Strobl. This involves special characters such as the asterisk, the bracket and the underscore. “Otherwise everyone writes how they want.” Strobl announced that he would like to introduce a supplementary regulation to the cabinet as soon as possible.

The Greens and CDU do not agree on the issue

However, the Greens and the CDU are anything but in agreement on the emotional issue. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, himself absolutely not a fan of gender language, sees no need for regulation with regard to the state authorities. “It’s very simple for the state government: we stick to the spelling rules in official documents,” said the Green politician on Tuesday.

After all, even in school, spelling mistakes are spelling mistakes. The state must also adhere to what it sanctions. Kretschmann said he was not a fan of raising such “cultural debates”. People should have the impression that politics solves the problems in times of crisis like this.

Green party deputy: don’t let yourself be driven by “ban ideologies”.

Green party deputy Oliver Hildenbrand announced on Tuesday evening that they would not allow themselves to be driven by “ban ideologues”: “Anyone who is already overwhelmed with the forms for a referendum certainly does not recommend themselves as an advisor for regulations and laws.” There is no need for further regulation, said Hildenbrand. He is surprised “that these ban fantasies are apparently so important and tempting for the CDU.”

Discussion in Germany for years

For years is being discussed in Germany, whether – and if so, how – masculine forms in language can or should be replaced by broader terms – in order to include all people. The gender asterisk as in “teachers” is one possibility. The Spelling Council is of the opinion that that all people should be treated with gender-appropriate language. At the last meeting in the summer, the expert committee did not classify gender symbols as a core component of German orthography.

Broadcast on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 4:00 p.m., SWR1 Baden-Württemberg, SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

More about the gender debate in BW

2024-01-16 21:14:50
#BadenWürttemberg #Interior #Minister #ban #gender #state #authorities

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