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Banks. Start-ups speak out against discrimination at the IBAN

It is a discrimination that not everyone is aware of but which, however, may be very real, at least for some: discrimination against the IBAN, this international bank identifier.

In particular, it can affect certain clients of start-up finance companies such as Revolut, N26 or SumUp. These young shoots in the banking world assign their customers bank identifiers that do not always correspond to the country where they reside.

“In France, for example, Revolut offered Lithuanian IBANs, when N26 customers end up with German IBANs”, thus notes the site presse-citron.net , which recalls that the country of issue of the IBAN is easily recognizable by the first two letters appearing on the identifier.

Refusals of payment due to a foreign IBAN

These foreign IBANs could, according to these companies, cause refusal of payment on the part of certain traders, or refusal of transfer. However, these refusals are prohibited, recall these fintech companies, cited by presse-citron.net.

These companies have even launched a dedicated website, acceptmyiban.org, so that the victims of this kind of discrimination of a particular kind can testify.

“A bank, internet provider, or gym won’t accept your IBAN and insist you have to have a local bank account?” Although it may seem legitimate, it is illegal ”, explains the site, before reminding users of their rights and encouraging them to testify.

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