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Banks Force Mortgage Applicants to Pay Expensive Life Insurance Premiums

In many contracts mortgages marketed before 2019 was forced to pay the entire life insurance premium linked to the mortgage at the time of contracting it. It consisted of a payment as a single premium that was included in the amount to be lentwhich increased the price paid for that premium.

When applying for the loan, the bank offered a higher amount because part of that amount was destined to the transfer of the single life premium. So, the user was increased the fee to pay and the interest earned. The bank charged, then, the total amount of the premium plus interest.

Banks can offer insurance, but do not link them to your financial products. For prevent users from comparing prices between different insurance companies he was forced to hire the financial institution which, according to the Organization of Consumers and Users (FATHER), used to be more expensive than average From the market.

Abusive and void contracts

from the OCU defend the rights of consumers against abuses by banking entities through different campaigns. Given this, encourages consumers to claim the amount of the premium not consumed and the interest paid in excess. It also considers that banks should compensate consumers for conditioning the contracting of life insurance under abusive and non-transparent conditions and encourages consumers to claim what belongs to them.

According to him supreme courtconsumers can claim the mortgage expenses that they paid for the formalization of the mortgage for abusive and null. if you paid one Opening commission You can also claim for the mortgage if they did not correctly explain the purpose of that commission and its economic consequences. In addition, it has launched a campaign to help consumers to make the claim.

The deadline to claim these expenses ends on January 23, 2024after five years of the declaration of abusiveness of the clause by the Supreme Court.

2023-07-17 03:00:09
#pay #life #insurance #mortgage #abusive #claim

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