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Bankruptcy, finances and Malagón

The planet is broke and the establishment despises it. There was always corruption and glocal polarization, never domestic and multilateral cooperation; the gaps are as universal as they are astronomical, and the debt will impose apocalyptic consequences. Add the “Bad management of Malag-on”, and the unprecedented stock market war, announcing an alternative “End for some and-anzas in Fin-anzas.”

I. Technocracy has been worse than disease, because its models do not contain systemic ideals, nor do they understand the complexity of modern phenomena. It did not deconstruct the principles and foundations of its pseudosciences, and the Great Confinement brings, on the unsustainable debt, the heavy shadow of secular stagnation, after the Great Recession.

II. Quantitative easing and fiscal stimuli remain disconnected from citizens, who face the consequences of unemployment and distortions in monetary-trade competitiveness, in their purchasing power. An avalanche of defaults and bankruptcies is coming, and even the asymmetric EU is tending to implode.

III. Occupy Wall Street 2.0 emerged; a shoal of amateurs defeated the sharks, conquering the strategy with which those venture funds built the recent shorting pyramid.

IV. The powerful have enough money to win the war; and, if that were not enough, they receive the opportunistic protection of justice seconded by Facebook. In addition, the worst enemy was infiltrated: Robinhood betrayed his promise to socialize investment, and Musk poses as a guerrilla, detonating bubbles for his own benefit (influencer, pump & dump).

V. Following the “habitat”, we badly plagiarize the models that failed in developed countries, such as the Reverse Mortgage, designed to concentrate property and destroy eventual inheritances among the humble. Malagón relapsed, and, after the Real Estate Life Income (2020), his efforts paid off by editing the Housing Law (2021), which would extend the terms of mortgages, over 30 years, respecting criteria of “financial stability” (Art. 9 ), in an era of absolute uncertainty and insolvency.

Vicious circle, although the paper holds everything, the amortization will be minimal and the interests maximum. It will end up expropriating the property, or forcing them to renounce it, and it will constitute an intergenerational debt, such as that of pensions, because it ignores the emergence of the one-person home (it doubled its participation since 2005, to 1/5).

SAW. In addition to liquidating the insufficient paradigm of free houses, of Santos and Vargas Lleras, the prices, tax benefits or rates of the intermediaries, who speculate and enrich themselves with the stimuli of the Banco de la República, did not intervene.

VII. According to the balance of your intentions and the impact of your actions, in the “own-common” benefit (Allegro ma non troppo, Cipolla), classify in one of the following categories lawyers, economists, investors, businessmen, public authorities and Citizens: Smart (win-win), Guilty (lose-win), Evil (win-lose) or Stupid (lose-lose).

“Columbia”: country of minimum survivors, bankrupt tenants and homeowners capitalizing on the ‘Dumbest Theory’. The problem is “the economy, stupid.”

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