“Attractive opportunities”: Bank Linth wants to open a branch in St.Gallen
The largest regional bank in Eastern Switzerland is heading north. After a branch in Frauenfeld, she is now planning one in St.Gallen. Bank boss David Sarasin is about to resign.
The Bank Linth branch in Rapperswil.
With 17 locations and a business volume of CHF 14 billion, Bank Linth, headquartered in Uznach, is the largest regional bank in eastern Switzerland. It is particularly strong in the Linthgebiet, Lake Zurich, Ausserschwyz and Sarganserland regions. However, it also has a branch in Winterthur (since 2011) and, since 2018, in Frauenfeld.
2023-05-02 19:11:26
#Attractive #opportunities #Bank #Linth #planning #location #St.Gallen