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Bank Bukopin’s response to the length of the Customer Queue for withdrawing money

Merdeka.com – Bank Bukopin’s President Director, Rivan Achmad Purwantono, spoke out about the long queue of customers withdrawing funds at the branch office. At present, more than 40 percent of Bukopin’s branch offices are closed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the bank, which is planned to have a 67 percent share composition, will be controlled by Kookmin Bank, ensuring that customer funds are safe.

“There are many customer questions about the issue of Bukopin, and the queue. What I have to say is that the queue is happening because it is very sensitive at the moment,” Rivan told reporters in Samarinda on Sunday (7/19).

Rivan explained, during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the implementation of the health protocol, almost 48 percent of the branch offices were closed.

“So that inevitably our customers flock to open branches. On the other hand, Bukopin serves retirees, customer payroolls, so certain dates will definitely happen extraordinary,” Rivan said.

He explained, with the implementation of health protocols applied, the customer queue appears. “Because not all of us put it in the branch. Besides violating (the health protocol in the Covid-19 pandemic, it will certainly also endanger our next service,” said Rivan.

According to Rivan, the picture made a bad voice about Bank Bukopin. “It is undeniable that customers make withdrawals. We know that there are no banks to keep the withdrawals repeatedly,” he said.

“But what we do is approach the customer to explain, that Bukopin is safe, healthy and we explain to customers today,” explained Rivan.

For information, in Samarinda, for example, in the beginning of July 2020, Bank Bukopin’s customers began to have difficulty making their withdrawal transactions. Some even went back and forth for up to three weeks, due to the maximum withdrawal limitation from Rp10 million, down to Rp5 million per day. Not only that, the nominal transfer transaction per day is also limited.

“I have been here three weeks (Bukopin). I want to withdraw funds,” said a customer of Bank Bukopin Samarinda Branch, Rusli when met with merdeka.com, Thursday (2/7).

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Strengthen Capital Structure

Bank Bukopin plans to hold corporate actions to strengthen the structure of liquidity and capital, through a Limited Public Offering (PUT) V in the first half of 2020. Currently the process of exercising the HMETD has entered the period of stock trading starting on 14-27 July 2020.

Bank Bukopin’s President Director, Rivan Achmad Purwantono, said KB Kookmin Bank through PUT V, is expected to help develop Bank Bukopin’s business that focuses on the retail segment, namely Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and the consumer segment, which is supported by the development of digital banking forward.

“KB Kookmin Bank has stated that it continues to support Bank Bukopin’s business development and future performance improvement,” Rivan told reporters at the Mercure Hotel.

Rivan explained, with the additional capital that would soon be realized, it was hoped that it would be optimal to support Bank Bukopin’s main business, which was consistently developing the MSME segment.

In line with the Bank’s Business Plan for 2020, the growth of the bank’s business which focuses on the retail business (consumer segment and umkm) as the engine growth with the commercial segment as a counterweight, strengthening the value proposition, point of sales productivity and human resources, is the main focus in the business plan long term bank.

“On the other hand the company also focuses on improving asset quality, including lending with low RWA, ORE sales, lowering the cost of funds of Third Party Funds (DPK) and optimizing liquidity, simplification of business processes, and efficiency,” said Rivan.

Going forward, Bank Bukopin plans to issue new shares without pre-emptive rights with an estimated maximum amount of 22,246,359,474 class B shares with a nominal value of Rp100 per share, representing 57.7 percent of the issued and paid-up capital of the Company after the Public Offering Limited (LPO V) and Capital Increase without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD).

Submission of information regarding the PMTHMETD plan was submitted to the public on July 14, 2020. The aim is for the Company’s shareholders to give their approval in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS LB) of Bank Bukopin, which is planned to be held on 25 August 2020

In this corporate action, the company plans to issue new shares without pre-emptive rights with an estimated maximum amount of 22,246,359,474 class B shares with a nominal value of Rp100 per share representing 57.7 percent of the issued and paid-up capital of the Company after the Public Offering Limited (PUT V) and PMTHMETD.

“This corporate action is a continuation of LPO V to accommodate the KB Kookmin Bank plan to become the majority shareholder with a minimum shareholding interest of 51 percent. KB Kookmin Bank is a potential financier and has been willing to be the sole participant in PMTHMETD,” explained Rivan.


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