Home » today » Business » Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) Reports Outstanding Bank Credit of 1,078.7 Billion Dirhams at End of November 2023

Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) Reports Outstanding Bank Credit of 1,078.7 Billion Dirhams at End of November 2023

Outstanding bank credit stood at 1,078.7 billion dirhams (billion dirhams) at the end of November 2023, up 5.3% compared to the same period a year earlier, according to the dashboard. credits – bank deposits” from Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM).

In detail, outstanding credit to non-financial agents increased by 2.8% to MAD 923.6 billion and that of credit to financial agents by 22.3% to MAD 155.1 billion, specifies BAM.

The 0.1% annual drop in credit to private NFEs is mainly explained by the 9.4% decline in liquidity facilities. On the other hand, equipment loans increased by 5.4%.

In addition, the BAM economic survey indicates that access to financing, in Q3-2023, was considered “normal” by 80% of industrialists and “difficult” by 19%, with the cost of credit stagnating for 68% of firms and increasing according to 27%.

In Q3-2023, the rates applied to new loans increased to 5.36%. By company size, they stood at 5.05% for large companies (GE) and 5.75% for very small, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Household loans recorded an annual increase of 1.8%, covering a 2% increase in home loans and a 0.1% decline in consumer loans.

Crowdfunding intended for housing, in particular in the form of real estate Murabaha, continued to grow and stood at 21.4 billion dirhams after 18.7 billion dirhams a year earlier.

As for the rates applied to new loans, they were, in Q3-2023, generally up to 5.95%, with an increase to 4.74% for home loans and a drop to 7.25 % for those for consumption.

With MAP

2024-01-06 18:58:32
#Bank #credit #outstanding #MAD #billion #November

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