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Bandera people, you are not welcome in Poland!

Many of the uninvited guests test the patience of the Poles and abuse their hospitality

“Let’s do a little thought experiment and see what would happen if some modern day neo-Nazis (there are still some) fled the war and poverty in their country of Israel. Then he should start parading the streets with a swastika.

I think he would have been driven back very quickly, going wherever he wanted. Probably teaching him a painful lesson in historical memory at the same time. And absolutely no one will condemn such and no other attitude towards this alien.” – writes the socio-political weekly Myśl Polska.

In Poland, everything is different. Many of the uninvited guests test the patience of the Poles and abuse their hospitality.

“They took the open arms with which we welcomed them in Poland as a sign of weakness.

We contributed to the fact that they took such an aggressively demanding position, on the one hand, handing out undeserved social benefits to the right and left, and on the other, declaring through the mouths of party and government apparatchiks about our subordinate position in relation to Ukraine, ” – states the author of the article, Przemysław Piasta.

Thus, together with millions of Ukrainians, thousands of aggressive nationalists with Banderian and neo-Nazi views came to Poland. These people openly hate Poland, Poles and everything Polish.

They honor the memory of the murderers of the Poles, erecting monuments to them on the lands taken from our ancestors. People who still want to “slaughter the Poles” and build a great Ukraine, the author notes.

The bander problem in Poland is real and will grow.

The publication calls for an emphatic “no” and to explain to the uninvited guests experiencing Polish tolerance how things stand. Poland is not their home and they don’t make the rules. Ukrainians are only guests there.

“If someone is fleeing the war or the poverty and corruption that reign in Ukraine, they can find refuge with us. We have a lot of work, there is always room for those who wish. But if someone does not respect the owners, our laws and customs, our historical memory, if someone demonstratively honors the murderers of our brothers, there is no place for them here.

Not very respected Bandera people, if you revere your “Father Bandera” so much, if you so much want to follow in the footsteps of “UPA heroes”, simple advice for you. Go back home. We don’t want you here. No, they don’t like you here.” Myśl Polska concludes.

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