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Banco Santander offers an advantage to its employees with a mortgage

If you are an employee of Santander Bank and you are thinking of signing a mortgage or you have to renew it, there is good news for your pocket.

The bank has granted an interest rate of 1,5% to subsidized mortgages that they grant to their employees, a rate that will be applied both to new mortgage loans and to those that have to be renewed.

Negotiations with CCOO

This measure is part of the negotiations that the Santander has maintained with workers’ unions such as CCOOwho are looking for the agreed salary increase for this year to be “real for the entire workforce.”

Santander Bank Office

Besides the Santander has extended until May 31 the possibility of migrating the mortgages of employees of the old popular Bank to the same conditions as those granted to the rest of its workers.

Claims of a real increase

CCOO positively highlighted the measure of Santanderbut he hopes that the next step is to withdraw the intention to absorb the agreed 4.5% rise in staff salaries.

Santander employees can benefit from a subsidized mortgage at an interest rate of 1.5%

Other measures that the labor union has requested is to improve various aspects of Extra-agreement Social Improvement Agreementsuch as improvements in the remuneration of accounts or the inclusion of fixed-rate mortgages in the catalog of financial products for its workers.

employee protests

Last week some 850 employees of the Santander Bank They gathered in various cities to demand that the 4.5% rise, agreed in the bank’s collective agreement, not be diluted with compensation such as voluntary supplements.

CCOO claims for the salary increase of Santander workers. EFE/ Cristóbal García

Other banks like BBVAthe Sabadell o bankinter They have coordinated formulas so that this salary increase reaches the entire workforce, with the commitment that they will not absorb the increase or compensate it with other contributions, under the guarantee of a minimum real increase.

But in the case of Santander they had decided to fully apply the absorption and compensation clause.

CCOO indicated that they addressed their managers on several occasions to rectify the measure, so that the salary increase is real for their employees.

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