New sting for Poste Italiane customers. After the increase in PostePay Evolution cards, new bad news arrives regarding taxes and current accounts.
Taxes and operating costs are the worst enemy of a saver inclined to think that keeping his money safe in a checking account, without moving it, is the best choice to save. In reality, the mechanism works in a completely different way, the longer a saver’s money stays in a current account, the longer it suffers the slow and progressive erosion of fees and costs that the bank requires to keep the account active. This is to introduce new bad news for current account holders linked to Poste Italiane: Poste current accounts will be subjected to a new tax that will speed up the process.
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From 2022 the Banco Posta current accounts will have to contend with a new stamp duty. This means that the tax will be withdrawn forcibly from the current accounts of Banco Posta account holders on an annual basis. The tax will therefore be paid automatically through a forced withdrawal from those current accounts with an average annual balance of more than 5,000 euros on postal and bank current accounts. The amount of the new tax, introduced with the Save Italy Decree, will be € 34.20 for individuals and € 100 per year for legal entities. As regards the stamp duty on the deposit account, on the other hand, for individuals the annual amount of the tax is from 1 to 2 per thousand of the invested sum. For legal persons, the maximum ceiling is 14,000 euros.
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The new tax must therefore be paid by all Banco Posta account holders who have an average balance in their current account of € 5,000 or more. It goes without saying that all those who have an average stock lower than this figure are excluded from payment. The alternatives for not having to pay the tax are different. For example, you might think of close your current account and open another one with free stamp duty. It should also be noted that the tax must not be paid if the balance is in red, i.e. zero. Those excluded from bank and postal charges are also entitled to exemption from stamp duty, in the presence of an ISEE with a maximum value of 7,500 euros.