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Banana Benefits: How Many Bananas Should You Eat After Training for Optimal Health?

Exercising daily and having a good diet are key to maintain a healthy life and mitigate the impact of aging. It is known that, in terms of nutrition, fruits provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other vital nutrients, and they also combine very well with training. A question arises here: How many bananas Is it recommended to eat after training?

Of course, we must take into account that each organism is different and each need is different. Furthermore, not all workouts are the same, have the same intensity, nor are they intended for the same purpose, so the answer cannot be the same for everyone. So, the amount of intake It will depend on the health status of each individual.. Likewise, there are parameters that can help you decide.

Another reality to take into account is that, beyond what has been written on the subject, it is necessary to consult with a nutritionist If you want to be sure and calm that what you do is okay. The professionals are the ones who will evaluate how the body is and the particular needs that each person presents.

Bananas, a key fruit in every sense. Photo: archive.

Banana is one of the fruits most consumed and preferredsince, in addition to being tasty and rich in nutrients, it is a “friendly” fruit for the rhythm of the city: you do not have to wash it, it hardly stains or generates waste (it peels as you eat and then throws away the peel), there is no need to take it cut, you can eat it both ripe and a little green and, due to importation, it is available all year round.

How many bananas is recommended to eat after training?

After training, banana is a very drinkable food since it is rich in carbohydrates, which help the body recover because they replenish the glucose reserves “burned” during exercise. Furthermore, one of these fruits, on average, contains about 100 caloriespotassium, vitamin C and fiber, which makes it a more than adequate option.

However, as with any food, balance is key and excess can also be bad. When portals specialized in physical activity The optimal intakes for after training stand out, they usually include bananas.

Roger Federer eating bananas in the middle of a match. Photo: archive / AFP.

But, as said, the important thing is to have a balanced diet. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the daily consumption of fruits for a balanced diet for an adult is a serving size of approximately 1 cup. A medium banana counts as that portion.

So, if it is recommended to consume at least one serving of fruit a day, a single banana a day is an interesting option to take as a parameter. But this It cannot be the only fruit that is consumed dailyso it is better to have several options during the day to ensure the intake of different nutrients.

In conclusion, a banana is a great option after training. Of course, it will depend on each body, how the training was and what the specialist recommended. According to the specialized portal CuídatePlus, consuming a banana after training gives Feeling full and “produces a decrease in total energy intake.”

A dessert with bananas. Photo: archive.

In addition, it provides energy, can help prevent cramps and helps reduce blood pressure. “Its properties make it reduce fatigue and promotes muscle and brain recovery after exercise,” he explains.

Five benefits of consuming banana

  • They are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid, and fiber.
  • The potassium in bananas contributes to the maintenance of cardiovascular health.
  • Bananas contain fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which promotes digestive health.
  • It is a source of natural carbohydrates, including glucose, fructose and sucrose.
  • Banana contains tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to serotonin, a brain chemical that plays a key role in balancing mood.
  • 2024-03-11 07:31:21
    #bananas #recommended #eat #training

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