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Ban on the rainbow flag at the Ralph Kaminski concert. There is an artist’s statement

Eventually the flag appeared on the scene. The concert was delayed due to negotiations, and the organizer’s representatives were to bow only when Ralph Kaminski would cancel the concert. In Białystok, the artist played a concert promoting the latest album of Kora’s songs. The statement was issued by Good Taste Production, which was behind the organization of the event.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, with regard to the situation that took place yesterday in Białystok during the concert / performance of Ralph Kaminski – KORA, we assure you that despite the difficulties, the representatives of Good Taste Production and the Artists made every effort to ensure that the event took place as planned. from the resistance of some employees of the Institutions, hired for that day by the Organizer, in accordance with the requirements of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic. The concert / performance could only start after the intervention of the institution’s management “- the statement read.

“The KORA concert / performance is a story about love, its shades, but also about the modern world – the songs of Kora and the Maanam band contain outstanding, timeless texts. The elements of the set design appearing in the performance are symbols and metaphors. The concert / performance is not intended to offend and profanation of nobody’s religious feelings “- added.

Ralph Kaminski: My team and the whole team are made up of people from different worlds

“In the context of the attempts to censor my KORA concert / performance by some employees of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic, I want to write from myself and say clearly that my art is non-literal. These are symbols, metaphors, interpretations. My team and the whole team consists of people from various worlds, we all respect each other and we are able to work together. I regret that such a situation took place. Thank you once again to the wonderful audience for your understanding! Let’s love, accept, respect each other! ” – summed up the artist.

Statement of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic

We also asked the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic for a comment on the whole matter.

“Ralph Kaminski’s concert was an event organized by an external company. The Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic only rented the stage and was responsible for ensuring safety during the event. Therefore, the Podlaska Opera and Philharmonic could not and did not interfere with the concert. shows that the stage manager’s doubts resulted only from the inconsistency of the set design with the raider sent earlier by the concert organizer. It should be emphasized that both the stage manager and other stage staff were hired to handle the concert directly by the event organizer “- Małgorzata Jopich, press spokeswoman for OiFP told Onet .

“The most important thing is that the concert took place”

However, Justyna Dominik, music manager, referred to the matter in an interview with “Gazeta Wyborcza”: “The most important thing is that the concert was held, without any concessions. why they had to wait over half an hour “.

“Białystok, thank you! You were a GREAT audience! Make love, respect each other, accept! See you” – reads Kaminski’s Facebook post after the concert in Białystok.

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