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Ban on Satudarah MC: Preparing for a Legal Battle in Court.

WILL BAN THE CLUB: The police want to ban the motorcycle club Satudarah MC in Norway.

The club’s defender says the members do not understand why the MC club should be banned and believes the police do not have enough information.


On Wednesday morning, the trial starts where the prosecution wants to ban the motorcycle club Satudarah.

– The public prosecutor wants to ban Satudarah because, in our view, it is a criminal association where the participants commit serious offenses that create fear in society, says state attorney Ingelin Hauge to VG.

The police have previously stated that Satudarah MC is a criminal group that can be linked to repeated acts of violence.

The club is considered a so-called 1% club1% clubA 1% club is a club that considers itself lawless and only adheres to its own laws and rules. The expression arose after the Motorcyclist Association stated that 99% of motorcyclists are law-abiding, and that the last percent is therefore made up of lawless like, for example, the Hells Angels.

– Unintelligible

The public prosecutor believes that the prosecuting authority has a duty to crack down on the offenses they believe the club is committing.

– We have a duty to combat this type of activity with the means society makes available, and a ban on such clubs is one such means, continues the state attorney.

The club’s defender in the case, Usama Ahmad, says a possible ban appears incomprehensible.

– This is an association that has no values ​​or assets and that consists of people who are interested in motorcycles. It is difficult for the club to understand why it should be banned, says Ahmad to VG.

also read

Kripos about the MC clubs: – They ignore Satudarah

Satudarah recruits faster than other MC clubs and often from criminal circles, according to the police.

MC patches

VG has previously written about the fact that none of the central Satudarah members whom the police surveyed in 2020 had a motorcycle sticker.

All had criminal records.

– Why were there so few who had the MC sticker in 2020 if these are members interested in motorcycles?

– There were several members who were not surveyed by the police at the time and who have the MC badge. There are also more people who are taking the MC badge now. That alone cannot justify a ban, says the defender.

also read

Police investigation: No one had the MC sticker – everyone had a driving record

They call themselves a MC club. But none of those the police surveyed in and around the club Satudarah Oslo had a driver’s license for a motorcycle then…

Shooting and stabbing

In the last few months alone, members or people associated with the club have been involved in several incidents of violence:

The police have said that Satudarah recruits faster than other MC clubs and that those who recruit are often from criminal circles.

-Big consequences

According to Kripos, internal conflicts have also led to the closure of several of Satudarah MC’s branches in Norway, and only the Oslo branch remains today.

MC INTEREST: The club’s defender in the case, Usama Ahmad, says Satudarah MC in Norway consists of several members interested in motorcycles.

The club’s defender believes that the police’s information is insufficient.

– Our argument is that there is not enough information about membership numbers, who is a member and thus who a ban will affect. A ban could have major consequences for many who should not be affected, says Ahmad.

– The information the police have is insufficient. We will provide evidence that there are members who have a real interest in MC. A ban would be disproportionate, continues the defender.

– Linked to gross acts of violence

The head of the Special Operations Section (SO) in the Oslo police district, Anders Rasch-Olsen, believes it is important to put a ban in place.

– Many of the members of Satudarah can be linked to gross acts of violence, and a legal ban is an important tool to prevent participation and further expansion of the club, Rasch-Olsen has told VG previously.

FROM THE NETHERLANDS: The club is originally from the Netherlands, where the headquarters are today.

Wednesday is the first day of a total of three days in court.

– We do not believe that a ban alone will solve problems with criminal gangs, but it can be an important contribution to the ongoing efforts, especially for preventive recruitment and further establishment, Rach-Olsen has further pointed out.

Could be the first time

If the prosecution is successful in banning the club, this will be the first time a new one has been banned statutory provision statutory provision Section 222e of the Criminal Procedure Actare put into use.

According to the new section 222e of the Criminal Procedure Act, the court can ban the club if:

  1. The participants have committed repeated offenses of a certain nature typetyperepeated offenses against someone’s life, health or freedom
  2. The offenses are specific to elicit fear fear fear in the population or the local environment of new offenses of the same nature by the association’s participantsin the population or the local environment
  3. A ban is necessary to prevent serious crime

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