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Ban Muang-D.R.Drink Explains Vitamin C drinking water

Friday, December 18, 2020, 7:33 p.m.

D.R.Drink Explains Pram Mod Rama Vitamin C drinking water

Ms. Natchaya Maitreevej, Managing Director of D.R.Drink Co., Ltd. Distributor of Gen Mai Vitamin Water (vitamin drink, life, vitamin B3, Whitmin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin Folic acid) brand DR Drink (product) mentions the current news aboutVitamin testing in the machineMany brands in the market By various websites Have referred to the information of the parade organizationOne that the products of the company that are placedCurrently, there is no quantity found.Source of vitamin C in the drink, butIn any way, the company would like to clarify as follows

1.Production of such beverage productsThat in the production process has been clearedAccording to the specified quantityThe packaging and actual details of the inspection results It appears in the test report dated 23 July 2020 and the issue dated 25 August 2020.

2. Some properties of Whitmin CThat are more likely to dissolve easier than VitamiOther substances that may cause the amount of vitamin C in the product to decreaseIndicated on the label But not to be dissolved until notCan detect vitamin C in the productThis is because vitamin C normally dissolves in water to form hydrolysis as another useful substance. And remain in the water as before However, it was found that the amount of vitamin C decreased according to the principle ofBut it hasn’t changed much. Which the company treats its customersAnd consumers with integrity

3. The company aims that wearing VitamiNancy exceeded the amount required by law. The company determined that it should not. Because if consumers eat drinksA number of bottles Will cause another abnormalityCan follow such as diarrhea Irritation of the digestive tractEtc.

4. Does the company choose to use clear bottles?Mix the colors to make the bottle a good plastic.They can be recycled for reuse, which may contribute to the vi.Can be reduced to some But the company has chosen to use the wrapping methodKeep the bottle around to reduce the chance of loss.To minimize vitamins. In addition, the company adds antioxidantsPool from other ingredients added such as rice extract Safflower extract Minerals from aquami So that consumers can receiveBenefit from commodity supplyWorthwhile

The company still maintains production standards, standards of vitamins thatMix it into a vitamin drink. D.R.Drinks in the levelQuality of GMP & HACCP and in the process of product development.In the part of the plastic wrapBottle frame to protect and storeGet more

The company still strives to develop productsIn the best interest of thoseContinued consumption and was delighted to have the opportunity to point outClarified and ready to listen to everythingSuggestions from all sectors In order to develop products forCan answer

To the consumers for the better and more

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