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Bammental: money in infrastructure and education, thanks to the citizens – news region Heidelberg

Bammental town hall. Photo: Reinhard Lask

Bammental. (bmi) Thanks to generous grants from the state and the federal government, the continued bubbling trade tax income and its own financial cushion, the community has a solid budget for 2021. The parliamentary group spokesmen agree on this in the budget speeches, this time only presented in writing – as well as on the fact that the after-effects However, the pandemic will become even more noticeable financially in the following years.

Albrecht Schütte from the CDU / BV. Photo: private

> Albrecht Schütte (CDU / BV) emphasizes the successful work of the community during the past booming years. “We have more money on the high edge than debt and achieved a lot,” he says and counts investments: the renovation of Industriestrasse and Reilsheimer Strasse and the construction of the new daycare center, both of which are well advanced after annoying delays. Renovation and extension at the grammar school and soon thereafter at the Elsenztalschule. Now in the crisis, the community remains able to act, but clouds will appear in the sky for the next few years, which is why it must concentrate on the following: Bammental as a school location with two secondary schools, which will soon be complete with digital end devices as well as interactive screens and more WiFi -Points to be equipped. The renovation of the forest swimming pool and the construction of the fire station, including the location, so that there are concrete plans for both projects by the end of the year. The further maintenance of the infrastructure including the expansion of the cycle paths to Gaiberg, for example, which, in contrast to the connection to Neckargemünd, can be implemented quickly. And as the next step in climate protection, photovoltaic systems with storage for the garage behind the town hall and the building yard.

Anette Rehfuss from the Greens. Photo: private

> Anette Rehfuss (Greens) sees the budget year 2021 – measured against the circumstances – under a good star. All compulsory expenditures and numerous funds registrations and applications can be financed thanks to flowing income. But the “greatest capital” are the committed citizens and the administration who have faced the challenges of the Corona crisis together. The climate crisis did not take a break. “The AHAL rules for the climate are the measures to comply with the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement,” says Rehfuss. Already now one has to prepare for unavoidable climatic consequences, for example with the help of the heavy rain risk management and the renaturation of the Weihwiesenbach. Because the required energy report in cooperation with the local authority association is missing, “an alternative approach is urgently needed here.” The Greens also advocate eco-fair-social procurement in construction projects and purchasing as well as long-term concepts for the preservation of forests, private gardens and orchards. Rehfuss sees the new Kita am Wald as a future place to feel good. Bammental is breaking new ground there with an inclusive concept that she is hoping for with the upcoming renovation of the Elsenztalschule: namely, scope for development for new educational concepts and not just new wall paint and floor coverings.

Photos Dimitriou by Pro Bammental. Photo: private

> Fotios Dimitriou (Pro Bammental)is pleased about the “still good economic and financial situation”, but asks the administration to make the sustainability objective anchored in the new budget law transparent through key figures and to present it to the municipal council at regular intervals. Bammental must be careful to what extent the effects of the pandemic “significantly limit our room for maneuver”. They continue to support the goals of the municipal development concept “Bammental 2030” adopted in 2018, but welcome the fact that the municipal council and administration want to put these guidelines, including an investment program totaling 35 million euros, to the test this year. As far as the new daycare center is concerned, Dimitriou criticizes, in addition to the construction delay, the lack of information on the design of the outdoor area and the not yet concluded contracts with the future operator. The positive commercial development is encouraging, but the main street remains “our problem child. There is still an enormous need for action,” he says and calls for a main street concept developed with the help of experts. Pro Bammental sees “Beethovenstrasse and Schumannstrasse as the top priority” as the upcoming renovations.

Rüdiger Heigl from the SPD. Photo: private

> Rüdiger Heigl (SPD) is happy about the Bammental willingness to be there for each other in difficult times, which is shown, for example, in the “Bammental solidaric” campaign initiated by the Jusos and further developed by the family center. He sees the current construction activities in Reilsheimer Strasse, at the grammar school and for the new daycare center as “indispensable for the continued positive development of our community.” Because the implementation schedule is not always adhered to despite intensive planning, the municipal council and administration must rightly be asked critical questions. Heigl himself denounces the “generally catastrophic traffic situation in Bammental”, misses traffic discipline, controls of the created parking concept and the lack of a noise action plan, which is now planned for 2021. As a further homework, the SPD wants to focus more on the needs of cultural organizations, associations and families. The plans for a new fire station, for the TV hall including open spaces and for the renovation of the forest swimming pool are all the more important. The municipality must also address issues such as medical care and affordable housing. In the senior advisory board and leisure time opportunities for young people, there is “enormous room for improvement”: Instead of just financing school iPads en masse, young people have to be offered “freedom and self-realization outside of school”.

UWB-Councilor Elisabeth Hanne. Photo: private

> Elisabeth Hanne (UWB)emphasizes: “Bammental is doing well – despite Corona, despite lockdown!” Nevertheless, you are very concerned that the corona services of the federal government do not reach many Bammental small businesses, craftsmen and service providers, or only inadequately. The budget for 2021 is still “almost unexpectedly, solid” “and the medium-term financial planning is still realistic, even if the planned major projects only appeared to be feasible with borrowing. Investments are still necessary, for example in the area of ​​digitization, where after Industriestrasse other areas are to be quickly connected to the fiber optic network. In the planned over-planning and restoration of the fairground, a piece of Elsenzufer should be accessible and a place for local recreation and many activities should be made possible. Hanne sees similar potential in the urgently needed renovation of the fishing pond. Like the Greens, the UWB is also critical of the results of the cooperation of the municipal administration association in the area of ​​”climate protection and refugee work” and suggests a position in the municipality as a possibly more effective alternative.

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