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BAM: 7.1% increase in bad debts in 2019

Thus, the loss rate increased by 0.2 point to 7.5% during the past year, specifies BAM in its annual report on banking supervision for the 2019 financial year, explaining that this evolution reflects a increase in bad debts on households more sustained than those on non-financial companies.

By level of risk, pre-doubtful loans increased by 4.6% to 4.3 billion dirhams, doubtful ones by 22.1% to 8.5 billion dirhams and compromised ones by 5.4% to 57.2 billion dirhams, fact know the report.

As a result, the share of bad debts increased to 12%, at the expense of bad debts which fell to 82%. The proportion of pre-doubtful debts, for its part, remained at 6% from one year to the next.

Provisions for bad debts increased by 7.3%, leading to a provisioning rate of 69% at the end of 2019, notes BAM, adding that this rate stands at 77% for the category of bad debts, 50% for bad debts and 9% for pre-bad debts against 76%, 50% and 12% respectively.

On a consolidated basis, overdue receivables from customers of the 11 banking groups total MAD 101 billion, an increase of 8.2% compared to the end of 2018. In addition, BAM indicates that the pace of growth in outstanding receivables in the suffering of banks and consumer credit companies held on households eased slightly to 10.4% to MAD 29.6 billion in 2019, leading to a risk rate up 0.4 point to 8.2% From one year to another. This change is explained by a decline in this rate by 0.4 point to 8.3% for resident households and from 0.5 point to 7.8% for non-resident households.

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