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Baltimore Claims the Container Ship Responsible for Collapse of Francis Scott Key Bridge Was ‘Unseaworthy’

Container Ship Owner Cannot Escape Liability for Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, Says Baltimore City

Container Ship Owner Cannot Escape Liability for Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse, Says Baltimore City


The owner and operator of the container ship responsible for the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge last month should be held accountable for the devastating incident, according to attorneys representing the city of Baltimore. They assert that the vessel was “unseaworthy” when it departed from port, and the ship’s crew and shoreside management exhibited negligence, resulting in the tragedy.

Details of the Bridge Collapse

The Dali, the container ship in question, lost power as it was leaving the Port of Baltimore, colliding with one of the Key Bridge support pillars. Tragically, this caused the 1.6-mile bridge to crumple, resulting in the loss of six lives from a construction crew while two others miraculously survived.

Legal Proceedings and Liability Cap

Shortly after the collapse, the Dali’s owner, Grace Ocean Private Ltd., and manager, Synergy Marine Pte Ltd., filed a petition in the U.S. District Court to limit their liability to an estimated $43.6 million. However, Baltimore City’s attorneys argue that there should be no liability cap as evidence of fault indicates that the tragedy could have been prevented.

The City’s Allegations

Lack of Investigation and Prioritization

Prosecutors claim that alarms on the Dali’s refrigerated containers were sounding while the ship was docked in Baltimore, yet the issue of an “inconsistent power supply” went unaddressed, or if investigated, was not resolved prior to departure. The city insists that appropriate actions were not taken to ensure the vessel’s safety.

Failure to Meet Essential Standards

The city’s legal filing accuses the owners and operators of the Dali of failing to adequately train the ship’s crew and failing to adhere to safe work and operational procedures. Moreover, they allege that the ship was not properly equipped, adequately inspected, or effectively managed. However, specific evidence to support these claims has not yet been provided.

Investigations and Criminal Probe

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Coast Guard’s Marine Board of Investigation have been examining the incident and are expected to release a preliminary report in the coming weeks. Additionally, the FBI has initiated a separate criminal investigation into the bridge collapse.

Consequences for Baltimore City

The collapse of the Key Bridge has had a significant impact on Baltimore City. Both the port, a crucial source of employment and municipal revenue, and the city’s pride, have been severely affected. The city faces the financial burden of clean-up efforts, losses in tax revenue, and the strain on Baltimore’s road infrastructure caused by the absence of the bridge.


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