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Balotelli-Brescia, controversy: banners, parking lots and social outlets

Complaint outside Rigamonti, no parking inside the stadium. Then the attacker says his on social media: “You had to do the banner for that character who doesn’t love you”

Mario Balotelli has not been called up by Brocchi for Brescia-Monza tonight because he is still behind in condition, so the match between the attacker and Brescia was skipped after the far from painless separation a few months ago. But the Brescia fans do not forget and Balotelli – present in the stands at the Rigamonti to support his new teammates – organized an unfriendly welcoming committee. One who, combined with the accident of the car not allowed in the gates of the stadium, forced Mario to a controversial night response.

the banner

“Balotelli: there are other players who loved this city. For us you are worth zero man without dignity”, is the text of the great sheet of the North hanging in front of the gates of the stadium. Balo certainly saw him, when he arrived with his 500, and when he tried to enter the parking lot of the stadium – according to what was reported by the Giornale di Brescia – the security officers closed the gate in his face. Apparently, they were ordered not to let him in with the car. Balotelli thus parked outside and then went up to the stands with Adriano Galliani. In the evening, Brescia made it known “that no player of the opposing teams has ever entered the parking lot inside the stadium. Monza, as per protocol and as happens every match, communicated the list of cars and vehicles with which they would arrive at the stadium. stadium (both delegation and team group) and all were let in without any problem (…) So there is no case of refusal or closed gates to any Monza card holder “.

divorce and controversy

It is unlikely that Mario – as things went with his hometown club – expected applause and flowers upon his return to Brescia. After all, the separation came in a stormy way. After the lockdown, tensions with president Massimo Cellino skyrocketed. Between missed training, public reprimands and messages on social media, the relationship between Balotelli and Brescia ended up on the stamped papers. Then Mario restarted in Serie B with Monza (where he scored immediately on his debut against Salernitana). But the Brescia fans do not forget.

The answer

Well after one in the morning, the version of Mario also arrived via social media: “Curva nord, do you know how many things I would have to say about who you know? – wrote in a long message contained in a story on Instagram -. My performances last year, I agree with you, were not from Mario. I did the mea culpa, but I can also tell you that I was so influenced by this character that unfortunately he doesn’t love this city, he certainly doesn’t love this flag and he certainly doesn’t love you. I have been silent so far because I have dignity, I am a man and respect dignity and love for this city and this flag. I’m sorry it ended like this, I’m sorry about this banner. The truth is that Brescia was, is and will always be my home and Brescia will always have my respect. Perhaps this banner (I can also understand it since you are unaware of what really happened) would have been more correct to write it to whoever you know, because he is the person without respect, not even for his players ”.

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