Home » Health » Balma. Blood donations are deployed in Haute-Garonne

Balma. Blood donations are deployed in Haute-Garonne

In order to increase collections and compensate for the drop in donations since the start of the health crisis, the French federation of voluntary blood donors of Haute-Garonne (FFDSB 31) is supporting the creation of suitable associations in its territory. “In fact, associations are multiplying. Today, there are about forty federated in the department. For example, we have helped to create those of Quint-Fonsegrives or Montrabé”, confides Christian Huerta, departmental president of the FFDSB. Structures which also benefit from the assistance of existing associations, such as that of the blood donors of Balma, recalls Patrice Verlhiac: “An association should soon be set up in Caraman. We have created one in Baziège and we are on the right track. on Escalquens. Wherever an association is created, the number of donors is multiplied by a half in the following 6 months “. The idea remains to maintain a constant flow of blood samples, even if sometimes exceptional events boost the behavior of potential donors. “I remember, for example, the explosion of AZF. That day, we organized a collection and hundreds of people showed up, although many had never given their blood,” recalls Christian Huerta.

FFDSB information: 06 51 20 04 37 or [email protected]

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