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“Balls” on the floor! Jasper Günther in the cabin whisper

Hagen / Münster.
From the outburst of a trainer and the destruction of a company bike: The Hagen point guard Jasper Günther is a guest in the cabin whisper.

From the outburst of a trainer and the destruction of a company bike: Even the youngest in our “Cabin Whispers” series has a lot of funny and memorable stories to tell. Jasper Günther (22), the builder of ProB-Ligist WWU Baskets Münster and a Hagen original, is a guest in the penultimate episode.

Eggs on the floor

“When it comes to basketball stories from Hagen, Vid Zarkovic shouldn’t be missing,” grins Jasper Günther. Under the eccentric coach from Serbia Günther played at the age of 16 at the top division BB Boele Cable. A young troupe with many NBBL and JBBL players, who, however, struggled and had to worry about staying up until the end. In a must-win game in their own hall, the Boeler were three minutes before the end with twelve points behind.

Vid Zarkovic cursed and raged. “His head was bright red and he was yelling at us,” remembers Günther, for whom the situation as a 16-year-old was not easy. His coach at the time smashed the tactics board in anger, but that didn’t stop him from jotting down an important instruction with the pen. Zarkovic wrote “BALLS” (in German: eggs) on the hall floor. “He yelled: Put the balls on the floor now,” laughs Günther.

But the team followed Zarkovic’s order at the time. The Boeler turned the game and kept the class. The lettering “BALLS” still adorns the Boeler Halle and reminds of a legendary victory. Günther: “Vid is a great coach who does great youth work. I wish every Hagen basketball player to be able to play for him one day. “

With a coach under one roof

When Phoenix Hagen Resurrected from bankruptcy in 2017 and ProA was launched, the preparation was a big mess. After head coach Matthias Grothe left us much too early, Kai Schulze took over on an interim basis, but the search for a new full-time head coach was in full swing. Jasper Günther was one of the talents of the newly formed Phoenix team at the time. “One day Dominik Spohr came to me after training and asked me: Do you already know who the new trainer will be? I said to him: Yes, I think so, ”says Günther, who at the time had Chris Harris in mind as Grothe’s successor. Spohr asked his young teammate: “And how do you think it is that your father is now your coach?”

Jasper Günther was completely flabbergasted. He was by far the last on the team to find out that the man he lived with will be his new coach. “That same evening I asked my dad why he didn’t even tell me that he was going to be an assistant coach.” I beg your pardon, assistant coach? Thought wrong. “If I do it, then only as a head coach,” said Dietmar Günther.

For the then 18-year-old Jasper it was a “very bizarre situation”, he had not yet played under his father. After the training, Jasper always disappeared quickly, because if teammates complained about the training, then he did not want to overhear it. “It wasn’t easy either when a teammate played little and got upset about it,” the player recalls.

Nonetheless, Jasper Günther doesn’t want to miss the short but intense time as a coach under his father. “It was also cool and we were very successful. I wish he could have coached the season to the end. “

The battered service bike

At the ProB league team WWU Baskets Münster there are no company cars, but company bicycles. Two weeks before Jasper Günther moved from Phoenix to the university townspeople, he was allowed to test one of the club’s wire donkeys. On a weekend without a game, the man from Hagen visited his buddy and later teammates as well as neighbors in a flat share in Münster. The boys rode their bikes to a party, Günther took the bike from his friend’s flat-share neighbor. “That was an American player who had a temporary contract at the time and was already sitting on his suitcase,” remembers Günther.

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