Prepared by: Mustafa Al-Zoubi
Researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory are developing giant balloons carrying instruments to measure the heart of Venus.
The researchers said: Understanding the inner workings of the planet is the key to understanding its geology and climate, however, the inner workings of the planet, the closest sister planet to Earth, has remained a mystery.
They added: «Venus has a lot of atmospheres that can be navigated, so it is an ideal place to use technology, and even better, its cloud layer is one of the places in the solar system that is most similar to the environment on Earth».
NASA has spent millions of dollars developing these sensors that can withstand pressure and unusual temperatures.
And “NASA” recently conducted its experiment in the Earth’s atmosphere, where an ultrasound microphone was able to pick up signals from two earthquakes of magnitude 7.3 and 7.5, despite their distance by 3,000 km from the epicenter in the stratosphere.
Using this experiment as a model, the researchers are developing a similar system for use on Venus, with associated changes needed for that planet’s environment.