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Balloon flight comes to a standstill due to corona • Asscher wants to evaluate test policy

Labor party leader Lodewijk Asscher wants to know why healthcare providers have not been tested more often in the first two months of the coronavirus outbreak. Last night Nieuwsuur reported that there was much less testing for the virus than there was capacity.

“It was about the months of March and April, during which time nurses begged to be tested. Nieuwsuur’s investigation shows that something went wrong. There were tests that were not used, when it was formally said: there are there is too little, “said Asscher in the NOS Radio 1 News.

According to Asscher, the number of infections is now low, and it is therefore essential to learn lessons: “How can it be that so often we had to work without protective equipment? What about that test policy, why was there so much uncertainty about this? learn lessons now, then we can be better prepared if the number of infestations may increase again in the fall, “referring to a possible second wave of corona infestations.

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